NOTES: Have major Kai and Morro interaction. Sorry again, but this isn't meant to be a ship. But you are welcome to think as a ship if you want, but it's not actually written to be one.
(Kai's Pov)
"How am I going to do this?"
I sighed as I looked at the shimmering golden armor in front of me. I knew that this is a bad idea, me melting down the armor and forging 4 golden weapon out of it, knowing my skill. But the others looked so down and desperate that I had to agree on it if I didn't wanted to shatter their hopes and dreams any more.
"You know, it might actually be better if you do something instead of sighing like the past 5 minutes," Morro stated from the doorway.
Morro had been watching me closely ever since he told me about Lloyd few hours ago(oh it was only a few hours ago?), and I was starting to suspect that the master of wind didn't trust me as much as I thought he did. Like he literally gave me "I'm-going-to-suffocate-you-in-the-worst-way-possible-if-you-talk-about-it" glare whenever I opened my mouth. Though I did get some me time after Morro went after Lloyd, and speaking of Lloyd...
"What was that during... You know," I asked before I can stop myself as I picked up the armor. I thought I crossed the line for a moment when he didn't responded, but released the breath that I didn't know I was holding when he did.
"I'm not sure, probably his power maybe?" the raven grumbled, his voice filled with worry and concern, "Only thing I do know for sure is that whatever it was, it gave Lloyd some pretty serious trauma right now and before. He didn't talk about it a lot, but I could tell that he was hiding something and was trying to cover it up."
"Well, Lloyd always does that. You know, hide stuff. I'm starting to think that it's some kind of family heritage now," I said as I got the fire ready to melt the golden armor. I had seen the look on Lloyd's face. He looked like a little traumatized boy that was filled with loneliness, sadness, and pressure. It looked so familiar, like a boy he met when he was younger.
"Yeah, but it was... Different," he sighed, "I might have a guess, but I'm not entirely sure."
"What's your guess?"
"Well, I checked with Master Garmadon before we landed and apparently, he was having some of his memories about Lloyd back. It's only a few pieces here and there, but he swore that he did have a son that had blond hair and green eyes. He also got some memories about... it."
"It?" I asked as I placed the golden armor on the table after the fire was lit.
"You know how I told everyone about the last thing I remember about Lloyd before we thought he was dead?"
"Yeah, you said something consumed him and there was a silver light or something."
"Well, turns out that I knew what the thing that consumed him was. I just lost that memory by someone," Morro sounded angry now, "But the important thing is that I got it back and now, I know why my dad said that Lloyd could be even more dangerous than the onis. According to the memory, it is the very being that drained the golden energy from the golden ninja."
My stomach did a summersault as I realized who he was talking about.
"The Overlord?" I asked, hoping I was wrong somehow, but felt sick when Morro nodded his head.
"The Overlord wanted Lloyd's power. He knew that if he got that power, he would be unstoppable, perhaps even to the FSM. So he always waited for Lloyd to use his power, than he attacked. The day that Lloyd was thought to dead... Lloyd used his power and the Overlord attacked, and we couldn't help Lloyd."
I never liked Overloard, at ALL. I knew that he was around when Ninjago was created, but hearing that he troubled my masters and friend(was Lloyd his friend?), he hated the dark lord much, much more if that was even possible. Than my mind came up with a boy that he had met years ago, a blond boy with green eyes, sitting in the cold, with a strange silver barely visible mark on the side of his chin and neck that his hair was covering.
"Morro, did Lloyd have some kind of silver mark on the side of his chin and neck by any chance?" I asked, slowly. The memory of that boy seemed to be fuggy and fading like it was trying to hide from me.
"He did, it was a birthmark I think. Though it did probably slowly faded away overtime since Lloyd doesn't have them anymore. Why?" Morro raised his eye brow as my stomach did a flip flop. Suddenly, I could remember the boy clearly, how he looked, sounded, and acted. It felt like a thick fog that was there for years had finally lifted.
I remembered the fear and guilt overflowing the boy. How Nya and I took care of him like our little brother. How the dark shadow suddenly attacked us and he protected us with a burst of silver light. How his tears escaped his eyes and said goodbye to us. The silver light spread out from his hands that were on our foreheads. How he suddenly disappeared in our memories like it never happened. I remember thinking that I saw him in shows or in my dreams and than eventually forgetting him.
"Look, I don't know how it would've felt," I said as I picked up the golden armor and approaching the flames, "But I know this, no matter what happens. We are going to defeat the onis, and find Jay if he is still out there."
I threw the golden armor into the flames watching it melt. I grabbed the forging tools(Idk what they are and I was too lazy to search it up). Determination burning inside me.
Hello! I finished writing this chapter! I'm kinda proud of it and kinda not. Like I know that I skipped the whole scene where they talk about melting the golden armor to make the weapons. But I actually kinda forgot how it went, so being as lazy as me, I just decided to skip it. So I'm sorry about that.
Also, the timeline is a bit confusing here, so I'll explain. Kai met Lloyd when he was around 8 years old, and from my HC, Nya was around 7. Lloyd looked around 6 years old physically. Lloyd already ran away thousands of years ago and this was before he took the name "Yin" and got adopted to the royal family. Lloyd lived with Kai and Nya for about 1 to 2 years than left. Kai and Nya's memories about him was hidden away in the deepest death of their conscious, only for Kai to get them back now. Who did it? Well, it's easy to guess it, but I'm still not going to say anything. (Hint/Foreshadowing: This also happened to Garmadon)
But yeah, here's a chapter!
Hope you enjoyed!
Sunflower out!

Fanfiction(Takes place during March of the Oni) (Book Cover is mine! Please don't take it without permission!) Lloyd is the green ninja and Harumi is the Quiet One. But what if they swap their roles? What if Lloyd isn't who he seems is? What if Lloyd is t...