First Page In The Reincarnation Diary

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Sounds of vehicles  passing by , beeping noises and  snores noise at super low pitch  like someone have one  hour sleep time a week  

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Sounds of vehicles  passing by , beeping noises and  snores noise at super low pitch  like someone have one  hour sleep time a week   . 

-two month and half earlier-

Hey I'm  Nataly   and I am a novelist  , quite the famous one at that if I may add ,   I started around 5years ago  to write  a light novel about   kid who is  aiming for the seat of the king which lied empty for hundred  years , there a tale going around   that if you kill the god  of this world you gain all wealth as the god loot isn't  known to anyone  but  the one who will attain such a feat will be considered【 world ruler 】  . And the story got really popular  , now the story even been applaud in the news for being first in selling  ,etc. But that not really important or more precisely  that not what I want talk about  here , well certainly  not  . . . " here " . 

I'm writing  a diary  for about a month now and all  I've wrote is how  my life will be if I were to reincarnate in another world   like every step I would take what would I choose if there is a skill points distribution or just choosing the necessary skill to survive even then I wrote each possible route of each choices I took in my life like a multi-choices  RPG game  but I Thought it  would be useless  if I would forget how element magic , spirit magic or spirit magic works , so I wrote each world line history how abilities could emerge and every possible route  I could take  and what magic I chose to learn or which I could even hope to study and of course to finish I drew   every possible world map based  on every route  of skill I chose   or magic I learnt  or people I could meet if they friendly or hostile  ,  But of course I didn't forgot to add every possible creature to emerge and where he could emerge  . 

So that was all what I did in my first month but it wasn't just any happy time of my life,  because some girls saw me for a moment writing some weird stuff in  my notebook  and straight up laughed   about it , calling me an otaku or  weirdo , and  it's been going for  about two  weeks now ,  and it's not like I'm hated girl , otaku  weirdo or any of that  I'm pretty popular among the guys but I also very  social among the girls I do have above average  grades at everything except ,  sport I'm not very good at  running long distances  and such  ,but back to subject I'm not someone who you would meet and think she's bullied at school , but it all changed after one girl who've  been watching me writing this "weird stuff " for awhile  asked me ' hey What are you writing there ? ' and I shouted  '  not for you to know  ! '   all class heard  me  , and for a second there I thought maybe  they would take my side for once   ,

I was wrong  , so  WRONG  "  another girl who was minding her business  awhile  talking  to other girls  just cracked up   and  start saying stuff like ' hey what are shouting there it's not like you writing  a novel  or any of those "otaku books " right  ?  ' you see until now I was under the impression the novel writing idea was a good one , I thought that all manga , anime and light novel stuff were starting to get  a good public attention but not on this class , this is bad  I didn't know all of them hated it so much , awhile  running in thoughts  the girl who  I shouted  at  seemed to be googling  something then  letting out  a real loud noise of ' EHhh~~~!'  I responded ' what ? '  I replied so very nervous   to know what she's planning , then  ' NO , it just that I caught a peek  of your notebook there   and  it looked like a username [ no way ]so I googled it and found a novelist author user account  ,[ there no freaking way  ]  there isn't  a chance  that it's your user account now is there ?!~~ ' '* sound of opening a door has entered the room *  class is starting please sit down  everyone ' and I could not be the happiest ever for this  small moment  , but it soon ended when I heard  the jiggling sounds of their laughing in the back  'what are you all laughing at ? '  the clueless teacher ask fully  Innocent ' nothing just a joke from before , right Nataly ?~ ' they responded   which I felt bad chills at the moment ,  『the day ended safely 』.

That time I got Reincarnated as a 【Unique skill】Where stories live. Discover now