𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙋𝙖𝙜𝙚 Of The Reincarnation Diary : 「𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩」

309 17 4

'I need Three more men that are good enough  to teach monsters how  to build houses ,  to sew clothes and  build a city up from sketch ' Rimuru said.

' No problem , I already know the right people '  the old man said 



Four dwarves has entered  the room 

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Four dwarves has entered  the room  . 

' Big brother are you there !! '  called one of the  four  dwarves , he had armor and weapon  similar to the ones from the guards   .

' hm , oh!! if it isn't Kaido  ' the old dwarf answered in response  .

' Big brother Kaijin  I have come to tell you  the three brother are safe and healthy '  the dwarf guard told Kaijin .

'Ohhh ,that's good to hear  ' Kaijin  responded to the great news .

'Kaijin ? ' Rimuru asked  .

' hm a slime ?'  said Kaido the guard . 

' Big brother this is the slime that saved the three brother !! ' Kaido  said .

' Really ? ' Kaijin said  surprised .

' Hm hm , Sorry for my late introduction  , My Name  Is Kaijin , The Blacksmith Kaijin  At your service my lord  ' announced Kaijin .

 '  Sir. Rimuru I have announced my services  to you , the three dwarves behind me excluding Kaido  are the people I had in my mind and  the people you need  but please let them think before deciding  '  Kaijin spoke to Rimuru  . 

' Hmm I accept '  said  Rimuru  " Honestly I don't really  care  if he  will give me his full service or just teach them the basic and return , all I need is the goblins to know  how to build a proper culture  " .

' Great  Rimu- ' Kaijin  jumped to say something but Rimuru cuts in ' Just rimuru is fine '  . 

' Then Sir. Rimuru let me treat you for a drink at the Butterfly  Bar '  Said  Kaijin .

' EhHe   what fun would it be , I don't think I can drink bear as slime  ' Rimuru asked confused . 

' Come on  , it will be fun there are  the famous Elves ! ' Kaijin said  . 

' Elves !! ' happy Rimuru said . 



At the Butterfly Bar a bunch of elves greeted the group . 

※Kaido  The Guard has returned to his duty so he is not with the rest of them right now . 

" Elves !!! " In Rimuru's head  .

'  You seem to be enjoying yourself Quite a lot Sir. Rimuru ' Said Kaijin . 

They sat at the table  with the elves girls who snuggled to Rimuru  Smooth jelly slime body .

The group  enjoyed themselves for a awhile , until  a man entered the bar the man arrival was not expected  . 

The man named Vesta . 

The same vesta who listed Kaijin the mission ,  That one and same Vesta . 

 ' What do you want Vesta ? ! ' growled Kaijin .

'Hey !! get this Filthy monster!  ' Shouted Vesta  awhile pouring  alcohol .

 ' What seem to be the problem Sir. Vesta   ? ' asked one of the waitresses that worked on shelves duty  . 

' Problem ?  Do you serve monsters as costumers  ? ' Vesta  appressed the waitress  . 

' No Sir  ' answered  the waitress   . 

' Then what is that  " thing "  ? ' asked the fool (Vesta) . 

' A slime Sir ? '  Asked the waitress nervously . 

' Yes A SLIME! ' shouted Vesta . 

' Are Slimes not Monsters ? '   Asked annoyed Vesta . 

'Yes they are Sir ' Answered again the poor elf waitress  . 

 ' Then you are not supposed to  to let them enter at all  aren't you ? ' Vesta asked with hints of orders  .

' But Sir  Slimes Are - ' As the Appressed  Waitress  have been cut in by Kaijin .

Kaijin slam his Fist on the table  and shout : '  Vesta !! You better stop your nonsense immediately or I will stop them FOR YOU !! '  . 

The two  of vesta guards had their  hands on their sword  . 

 ' Kaijin ? , I didn't even see you there   I bet you haven't  finished the work assigned to you by the king  have you that not good  with the lack  of materials it is impossible even for you  I guess '  Vesta said  . 

' I have Done it  already ~  ~ ' said annoyed Kaijin .  

 ' huh , So you  have done  it , quite impossible  I need to check it  out later on ' mumbled Vesta 

One of the escorts of Vesta  unsheathed his sword  and charges to slash Rimuru .

Rimuru use Sticky thread to capture  the man , he used  Predator   to eat his magic sword  . 

' Slam* Punch*  You damned  !! ' Kaijin got enough of Vesta nonsense . 

Vesta ran with his escorts   . ' I warn you  Vesta '  said Rimuru right before they ran off . 


Hey hope you enjoyed this new  page  .


Next Page : Eight Page In The Reincarnation Diary  「Jail」 


See You Next Time ! 

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