Fourth Page In The Reincarnation Diary : 「Ruler」

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Part 1

A group of goblins with shabby equipment   walk   cautiously toward the  slime who stopped before them   they seemed frightened and on 100% alert   holding to their shabby sword or sticks ,   suddenly one of them  who seemed to be their leader  take a step forward  and ask  the slime Rimuru  ' O great one , W-what have you come to do here in these foreign forest ? '  






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' what have I come here  to do ?  nothing really . I'm just passing by '  Rimuru said innocently  

' Really ? ' said the goblin's leader  super cautious of the "slime" .

' hm, hugh ~ , then O great one can I ask a favor of you ? ' he said in a very loud voice  a while bowing .

' hm , what seem to be the favor ? and sure I don't mind to help ' again said  innocently  to the  terrified  goblins .

' then please  follow me  O great one '

As he said rimuru followed him to the Village  




'welcome to  our humble  village ' the goblin leader said  when he said that  an old goblin approached Rimuru  ,  the old goblin immediately fell to the ground and start rumbling thing that rimuru couldn't understand at first .

' *rumbling* *rumbling * ' 

(A/N : Rumbling means = talking very fast . if anyone didn't catch that)  

' hey hey , I didn't get any of what you've said right now  can you say it more slower ? ' Rimuru said 

' O great  One I am the chief of  this village  we most appreciate  you coming here !!!' said the  goblin chief  the old goblin so old almost died 100 time in that sentence .

'Hey , Master   it seem the goblins here are on death bed  all of them are starving , some even wounded  and all of them are terrified  of something   but I don't  know what exactly ' I said unsure of myself  ' sure got it , thank for the look up '  .

' hm O great one may I ask to whom were you talking to right now ? ' 

'eh , don't tell you can't see him ? ' rimuru asked  confused 

' master  , only you can see me and no one else  it part of the form , of course some special could sense me  but we wouldn't meet anyone like this for the time being '

" got it " Rimuru thought , of course I could hear him as I'm part of him . '* murmur * Also does that mean I'm master's son   it is a fact that master is the one who gave birth to me  . so instead of master should  I call him Father ? *murmur* ' I wondered 

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