Eleventh Page of the Reincarnation Diary 「Presenting」

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" Great Rimuru  ! I can save her ! I can, Shizue's life !! " 

" HUH ?! " Rimuru confused .

 * * * 

" Master , Please !  use me , put me inside Shizue ! "

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" Master , Please !  use me , put me inside Shizue ! "

" Wait what ?  explain NOW ! " 

" If you were to put me in Shizue instead of Efrett then Shizue won't die , those who came to the otherworld die because of lack of magicules which they are supposedly getting by a skill or a spirit  "

" I see that's could work, but are you sure there are surely certain risks with this method "

"No, not really with my rank of ability there aren't any particular risks we can simply use some kind of a borrowing method of sort as a vessel or a sample for the transfer and in the negative scenario we could connect to  (TVOTW)『The Voice Of The World』 with a fair share price "

" I see, but i don't know if I like the idea putting someone at risk to save someone, no matter how much I want to save Shizue "

" Master, the final decision is yours I will prepare for the 'Ritual' and search for another methoud as a backup, just promise me that your decistion stay with your desire and not with reason"

" I wouldn't like you to live with regret in your decisions "

At that moment, I could feel an itch within the heart and sense an headache at my mind, I know my situation my emotion my soul is pretty much shattered making me almost emotionless, but then and there i knew i felt something.

I don't know if I'm either hallucinating or is it the burden of overthinking on a shattered soul, but I felt as if there is a shadow covering Rimuru's face.

" Master ? "

" Hm, that's ok I'm fine "

" You go and prepare everything "

"Understood " 

* * *

' [ Great Sage ] What are [Inheritor]'s chances of success ? "

<< The chences aren't low, possibility of success's high >>

' That's so '

Inheritor's plan isn't flawless, and by [Great Sage]'s words it isn't more then a plausible experiment. 

That Inheritor wouldn't 100% succeed is an hard to miss fact.

I should prepare a back up of my own.

* * *

" Master doesn't fully trust that I'll succeed , I'll just have to make it by lifting the success rate beyond 100"




" Master I'm here, are we ready ? "

" Yes, How is it on your side ? "

" All ready "

" I see "

' Inheritor, I'll tell you this here and now but I don't trust this plan, passing an extra skill by some means is bound to be possible but not a unique, I'm clueless in this kind of area but i'm not stupid. All I'm saying is you PULL BACK at DANGER, Understood ? '

Ma- no, he startled me, he shouldn't worry about me because he have Great Sage which does better then me, but he worry for me. I don't understand him.

At his startling announcment to me I simply nodded.

' I understand '

" Shizue , I swear I'll save you! "

" It's ok Rimuru-san, you don't have to take it hard on yourself"

" Shizue I'll make sure you're safe, please stay sitted"

Those two sure are lovey dovey on another level.

'Inheritor you may start '

'Got it '

Rimuru rise his right hand at the height of Shizue forehead and a light appear a blue light where I shall use as the bridge. 

This is the best situation to test it out, no one is here only Rimuru and Shizue here.

"Then I'm passing on "

Until  now everything worked out perfectly, I can't mess it up. I can almost see the gate. 

'HUH '

I can't enter ?

<< Announcment Transfered skill isn't compatible would you rather continue? [NO/YES]>>


Ok Let's go.

Huh, again what now, why am I at a null dimension?

Hm, is that Shizue when she little and her mother?

So that's the one who hurted her.

('Who are you?' )

' Who am I? I wonder really'

' I wouldn't know myself but I do know you, Young Lady '

(' A young lady? what a joke, you're smooth ')

' Thank you '

the young lady who appear to be Shizue, luaghing off my natural comment.

Now She's appear to be walking toward me, hm? what?

She's hugging me, and she's taller, it's like I'm her child.

Oh no, my mind goes blank.

(' I'm sorry, thank you though, it's a shame we never met before ')

She knows?


A week or so passed since that time, Shizue died in the end and I ate her body.

Inheritor seemed to be safe he hadn't fully transfered to Shizue only a part of him, [Great Sage] said he would awken soon, [Great Sage] said that we didn't fail even though Shizue defenetly dead.

I can't understand skills mindset how is it so different from a the alive and still look identical to the alives.


Thanks for the paitence over the Eleventh page of the Reincarnation Diary .

In The next Page : The Twelve Page Of the Reincarnation Diary 「Skilliology」


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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