Fourth Page Of The Reincarnation Diary : P2【Phantasm Conflict】

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First Half 

' wait you've a son , what a coincidence , I've --- ' a sudden crushing sound interfered with the conversation , that same sound came from the Vorwolves pack leader .

<< - Vorwolves pack leader [ Boss Monster ] has appeared how do you wish to proceed >>

<<proceed with optional attack >> 

______---______-------_<<awakening ongoing peculiar tests>>_______------____-_---_

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______---______-------_<<awakening ongoing peculiar tests>>_______------____-_---_

<<ERoRr rr ...... ski -ll awake %33#~№!ё NING №#10000.564Ж >>


As I was about to ask some more questions to "Her" , an intruder suddenly emerged from the depths of the Jura forest ,as the three obstacle stood before us

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As I was about to ask some more questions to "Her" , an intruder suddenly emerged from the depths of the Jura forest ,as the three obstacle stood before us. ["The phantasm angle"], ["Enderwolves"], ["Sibling of Death"].

"Cool , isn't it , those are the titles I , the system (Inheritor gave to the three creatures," I thought the second I appeared in the battle center right in front of the entrance.

'Master, please allow us to take control,' I said to Rimuru, who was still confused about the current events that were taking place .

Rimuru simply nodded in agreement as he faint awhile switching places with me .

The Enderwolves howled, as if trying to communicate with us.

'Let's start the battle,' I said as I prepared for any sudden attack. . However, The Boss Monster was standing still and seemed to be observing our every move carefully.

Master allowing me to take control leads to activating battle mode , and give me access to reform my body with the System help , until that moment all went well , then I heard the next notification : «system will generate an unknown pattern of activities » " which make me wonder what the hack is it talking about we're in the middle of a battlefield , then again « note : an update will commence » « As the unique skill 『Inheritor』 will be deactivate and make unique skill 『Great Sage』 take control , . . . the update will take a minute only »

As 『Inheritor』 black out , 『Great Sage 』 take over as great Sage's abilities are inferior in battle as of the moment and adding to that Great Sage need the the right information to transform , a while I have the System to do that basing thing up o...

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As 『Inheritor』 black out , 『Great Sage 』 take over as great Sage's abilities are inferior in battle as of the moment and adding to that Great Sage need the the right information to transform , a while I have the System to do that basing thing up on my previous life memories .








-one minute later .

As I continued to think, the notifications stopped and then an incoming transmission was received. It was from the System itself, saying that the update had been successfully completed .

When I regained consciousness, I woke up to see 『Great Sage 』 employing a low-grade 『Meta-Morphosis』 of the Enderwolf she was fighting

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When I regained consciousness, I woke up to see 『Great Sage 』 employing a low-grade 『Meta-Morphosis』 of the Enderwolf she was fighting. The fight didn't get any better, but it didn't get any worse 『Great Sage』 jumped around and threw 「Water Blade」 around I ask Great Sage what she seems to be doing and she replies.

« Answer : delaying " » ' for what ? ' « note : analysis of the opponent . it seems to be a powerful energy core that prevents me from analyzing the Enderwolf »

' Great Sage , let me take over I can finish it '

«Note: Okay, good luck » Great Sage said in a stifling robotic accent as she let me take over.

Suddenly I feel as if my body is being destroyed and then renewed, but I have no pain in doing so .

Then the system informs me that I have received a semi-physical body, a subverse of the human body and everything above it, and an upper verse of the evil spirits and everything below it

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Then the system informs me that I have received a semi-physical body, a subverse of the human body and everything above it, and an upper verse of the evil spirits and everything below it .

which means that all body forms categorized under humans are below me in form status.

At mean time the Enderwolf and his pack jumped back some ran into forest to observe from the trees , it seem those are able to use long range attack .

After I finally generated my body completely, I wrapped myself with high density energy to protect my body, then I wrapped the entire area with a sound wave wall in the form of a dome. The wolves that came out could not enter and the wolves inside could not come out . I released Rimuru 's stored aura inside and had Great Sage control the aura so that it did not destroy the sonic dome and hurt the goblins.


First Half of the Fourth Page Of The Reincarnation Diary 


Due to Wattpad servers being crushed down  I had to split the page into two part , Hope you enjoy , and sorry for the  inconvenience .

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