Eight Page in the reincarnation Diary 「Jail」

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After Rimuru and Dwarves were sent to jail for punching Vesta a minister of the king .

They were to be Judged in court .

In the jail , a mysterious figure was waiting for them .

In the jail , a mysterious figure was  waiting for them

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The figure asked Rimuru for his name and abilities .

Rimuru introduced himself as the master of monsters and talked about all his abilities.

The mysterious figure then said "I'm here to free you from this cell, follow me." Rimuru refused he had a to see the king of Dwargon at least once as a lord myself .

The mysterious figure gave Rimuru a choice, follow him or confront the king himself.

Rimuru choose to see his majesty . He and his dwarves followed the figure to Dwargon palace.

When they arrived in front of the king's court, a voice shouted out from inside "You are all free to go!" The mysterious figure had already pleaded their case , the figure was a guard sent to figure out what kind of monster are you.

Rimuru and his dwarves were free to go at last .

The mysterious figure then vanished into thin air , leaving Rimuru feeling relieved.

Before they stepped out of the court, Rimuru thanked the mysterious figure with all his heart for their help. He knew they had once again gotten away from danger because of this unknown individual's help.

* * *

At the same court where Rimuru and the Dwarves were released Vesta kept rumbling for reason as for why did he release that "dangerous" monster and Kaijin the one who "betrayed" you .

Gazel King of Dwargon answer Vesta stupidity with three barrels of 99% of Hipokta healing potion and one smart sentence " Vesta the on who truly Betrayed me wasn't Kaijin but you , you who I had hoped to succeed the failed project once again , you who betrayed those foolish hopes of mine" .

* * *

Returning to Rimuru and the group , as they ride the Tempest wolves all the way home with one day trip .

The Hobgoblins are relieved to know that their leader has returned safely. Rimuru notices their relief, and smiles while enjoying the view of Tempest along the way home. It was certainly a thrilling ride, but it was comforting knowing that they all made it back safe and sound.

* * *

In another place , "I can't believe he called us to investigate that forest again !" a blonde haired adventurer lady mumbled out loud , " I wish you could say that to him in the face ~" a big tank role adventurer said , "you know we never would say that for real , at least he pay us good " a lass bigger man then the man before whos role is a swordsman , that group of three adventurer move toward to the great Jura forest where Rimuru is at , and to them Rimuru soul mate on the there too .

The girl with the uncommon black hair and white armor , she called The masked Champion , that one and same woman joined the trip to the Great Jura Forest .

Next Page : Ninth Page In The Reincarnation Diary 「Renovations」

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