Fourth Page Of The Reincarnation Diary : P2【Phantasm Conflict】( Second Half )

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Second Half 

After Awhile I shut down the leader of the Enderwolves pack , and cut down his energy core and finally he died

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After Awhile I shut down the leader of the Enderwolves pack , and cut down his energy core and finally he died .

I used Rimuru's 『Predator』 skill to eat the body of the Enderwolf pack leader and the next notification came up :

« Congratulation ! , The Voice Of The World congrats you on attaining an high-grade Demon Seed a "Named" seed 【VASSAGO】»

«Note: The Master has gained the following skills 【Supreme Sense of Smell】, 【Telepathic Communication】 and 【Coercion】» Great Sage reported

※ Note that the "demon seed" that is named and that is not named is not the same as the "demon lord seed".

After Awhile I shut down the leader of the Enderwolves pack , and cut down his energy core and finally he died .

( A/N : let me explain the Fang wolves pack name and personal name setting the fang wolves pack leader has been named by the phantasm angle " Volwolf " the pack name Enderwolves has been picked up by Inheritor , the Enderwolves pack name was never used to name the fang wolves directly or in any other way as such the Enderwolves are actually the Fang wolves they never changed in attribute of their pack name )

I then took control of the Enderwolves and awakened Rimuru when I turn back to my spirit form as a skill. After Rimuru woke up, he suggested the wolves to run away, but they did not agree and wanted to submit to him.

Rimuru gathered all the goblins and the Enderwolves together and called them all to hear what he has to say .

'Hgh , hm , from today on you will be side by side serving me understood ' he spoke loudly as he could .

'Understood ' the wolves and goblins said in harmony .

'Listen well, at the moment you are two different groups, but I want you to join together, to form groups of two goblins and wolves to work together, live together and support each other, for the future of us all,' Rimuru announced as formally as he knew how , for in his previous life he did not have to behave so formally.

The goblin chief told master that they don't have names , and Rimuru was confused and said loudly ' I'll name you all ! , it is more convenient with names after all ' .

Rimuru then gave names to the goblins and wolves . The strongest of the wolves was named Ranga Tempest, while the others were given individual names like "Lightning" or "Vortex" and so on. The goblins were named differently the old chief was named Rigurd and his son which led Rimuru to the village was named Rigur in respect of his dead older brother , the rest were given names like "Gobta" "Gobzo" "Haruna" and the likes .

I also made sure that the tempest wolves did not run away, so master gave Ranga the family or pack name Tempest, which then became the official name of the pack. I added some of my energy as a skill , and changed their characteristics from Storm Wolves to Void Beasts, which later allow them to become an evolutionary race. 

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