Sixth Page In The Reincarnation Diary 「Unsettling Minister」

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After 『Inheritor』 Has given Rimuru all his ideas and opinions on all kinds of subjects, Rimuru leaves the realm in the form of "waking up", for it is just in time to continue the journey, and it seems that time passes differently in this realm.

they finished packing and right away  riding toward Dwargon .

they finished packing and right away  riding toward Dwargon

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" WoHa that a long  line up ~ "  rimuru thought 

' Hey Gobta have you ever came here before ? ' rimuru asked to pass the time 

'Hm, yes I did and with that question in mind , is it really a good idea to make Rigur and the rest wait there? ' Gobta asked innocently as he looked all around .

' if other were to notice us  walking in a large group of Hobgoblins  and Tempest wolves , it would just bring the wrong people ' said Rimuru . 

Seconds later two mans walked closer toward Rimuru and Gobta .

' Hey! , monsters  give us all you have on you ! ' said a random  thief .

' I Hardly Refuse !! ' said Rimuru

' I see no use to listen to such a rude person  for no reason ! ' Rimuru stated 

The One Random thief who previously shouted at Rimuru , now enraged  the man unsheathed his  ( Demi-[ Enchanted ] Waist knife + Curse ability = core absorption [ + 5MP] )  .

' hey Gobta , Do you remember  Rule No#1 ? '  asked Rimuru  

<< Note : Weird phenomenon has been detected >> Great Sage has reported 

" hm a phenomenon , here ? " rimuru thought 

' Of course , it is ',',Destroy All Humans',', ' Gobta said in a very Weak voice . 

<< Warning : a Demonic trace  has been found inside Gobta >>  Great sage has Warned Rimuru 

" hey Gobta  , Gobta! " Rimuru  shouted toward  Gobta  through [Semi-telepathic communication] . 

Gobta awaken  .

' Y-yes Great Rimuru , It is Do not Attack Humans R-right ?? '  answered Gobta .

' hey don't ignore us you bastards !! '  the other thief shouted as the two charges with their   "ordinary" Level  Waist Knife .

" Gobta stand back  !! "  Rimuru shouted  in  Gobta 's mind  Telepathically  with an immediate rush   . 

Time has stopped  for Rimuru and everyone else .

As the world darken   a figure appear  .

' I will protect master naivety ' Whispered  [Inheritor] as  he  put the two thieves  to sleep and teleport them to his privet realm where is out of rimuru reach 

That time I got Reincarnated as a 【Unique skill】Where stories live. Discover now