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when I got home, there were beer bottles everywhere, paper work. Etc.

"Where the hell were you?" My dad shouted at me from the couch.

"I stayed the night at Charlie's." I said quietly.

"I don't like you staying over at boys houses!" He shouted as he took a sip of his beer.

"Better then here." I mumbled as I walked to my room. I then started to pack up my hockey bag for the game.


"Where is coach?" Charlie asked me as we sat on the bench.

"I see him." I said pointing to the stands.

"Why is he with Riley?" Connie asked.

"They're looking a bit too friendly." Sidney scoffed, as we nodded.

"Why do they do that? They look like a weird type of cult, the way they skate around like that." I said looking at the hawks who were doing weird warmups.

Then out of no where, Larson and Mi'Gill skated over to the bench.

"Hi girls." They snickered.

"Hi." Me, connie and Sidney laughed, well because we are girls.

Jesse and karp then started to go at them until they skated away.

"Why do they do that anyways?" I asked.

"To get in our heads. To remind us that they're gonna win." Jesse said flatly.

"Like we didn't already know that." Karp scoffed.

"When is coach gonna come down?" I asked looking up at the two still talking.

"Maybe he's trying to plot against us." Guy laughed then Connie shoved his arm warningly.

"No you idiot, maybe they're just talking." Connie scoffed.

"Whatever." Guy mumbled.

"Here comes coach." Sidney smiled as he made his way over.

"Win! Win! Win! Win! Win!" The hawks starting to chant.

Then coach started to copy them by saying
'Win, win, win." And some of us joined on enthusiastically as others made fun of him.

"Yeah we're fired up." Coach sighed.

The hawks hit their goalies pads so we did the same, I hit goldbergs left pad and Charlie hit his right one at the same time, causing him to fall.

"Yeah nice going fools." He scoffed as he struggled to get up.

Guy, Jesse, and Terry all went up to the centre and I went left wing.

"What's this? The Oreo line?" Mi'Gill said.

Once the puck dropped, Mi'Gill pushed guy down and passed the puck to Adam.

And he scored. I sighed then went to the bench.

"This is gonna be bad." I said to Sidney and she nodded.

Then they scored again. 5-0

One of the hawks, pushed Connie's stick right out of her hands.

"Hey!" She yelled.

I tried to get the puck from Adam while he had it, but he checked me into the boards.

"This is why I'd rather play volleyball." I sighed as I sat next to Charlie.

The score was now 8-0.

Goldberg was drinking water when coach smacked it out of his hands.

"How lazy can you be? They're killing us out there! And how many times do I have to tell you to get those rebounds, get your heads up, get those loose pucks. Get- just- just get the hell outta here." Coach said with a sigh.

"Great encouragement speech coach." I said sarcastically and patted his back.

After a couple of more minutes, Charlie had the puck with no one on him, skating to the net.
Although I hate to say it, we call him spazway for a reason.

"Alright." Coach said watching him closely.

"It's spazway, he'll screw up." Karp scoffed then I pushed his arm.

Charlie took his stick up and completely missed, falling to the ground. Me and Connie looked at each other with disappointment.

"Roberts, get on the ice." Coach sighed then I went out. Just as I did, adam pushed Charlie into the boards just as he was getting up.

"What the hell!" I yelled pushing him back.

"It's hockey roberts! If you can't handle it, go back to volleyball!" He laughed skating back to the bench.

"Charlie you good?" I asked as I helped him up and he nodded.


"What's the point of this?" I asked as there was only a couple seconds left of the third period.

"I don't even know anymore." Connie sighed.

"I'm so embarrassed." I said flatly slouched over the bench.

"We need a new goalie." Averman sighed.

The final score was 17-0.

We were all arguing as coach turned around.

"Shut up!" Coach yelled.

"You guys stink!"

"I thought we came here to play hockey." Coach continued.

"Y'know, I knew we forgot something." Peter said sarcastically, causing us to laugh.

"Oh you think it's funny? You think losing is funny?" Coach yelled annoyed.

"Well, not at first but once you get used to it." Averman shrugged.

"We're the ones out there getting our asses kicked." I scoffed.

"Yeah it's not like you coach us or anything, at least we try." Terry added.

"You didn't listen to a word I said. I said put your heads up, you put your heads down. I said go faster, you went slower. That was the sloppiest playing I've ever seen. Why the hell won't you just listen to me?!" Coach yelled.

"Why the hell should we?" I said flatly then walked out of the bench with others following.

Once we got to the locker room, I put my legs on Connie, and I head on Sidney's legs.

"Untie my skates please." I said to Connie and she nodded.

"That was so embarrassing." Averman said sitting down.

"Very." I nodded.


I won't be updating very much, I have volleyball camp starting today, and you can't bring phones so yeh. Anyways sorry for the choppy chapter, I tried to do it quickly so I could finish packing.


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