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looking around the huge hockey stadium we were in.

"This is too cool!" Connie said in awe also admiring everything.

"Hey check it out! The north stars!" Charlie yelled, causing me to move my gaze to two hockey players walking towards us.

"I think I just might faint." I said, jaw dropped.

"Well don't do that." Adam laughed.

"How are you not freaking out right now?!" I whisper yelled to the blonde headed boy behind me.

"I dunno." Adam shrugged before looking back at the two.

"Hey gordo! Gordon Bombay, right?" One of the hockey players asked, shaking coach's hand.

"You remember me?" Coach asked, shaking back:

"Sure, from peewees. This guy used to rule peewees." He continued.

"Oh yeah? I heard you were a farmer." The other said.

"Well actually I became a lawyer. But I'm coaching peewees now and this is my team, the ducks. Ducks, this is Basil mcRae, Mike mondono." Coach said.

"Duh we know!" I yelled as others did the same.

"Alright, alright." Coach rolled his eyes.

"Hey ducks, listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about. If ya ever want a shot, let me know. I'll get you a tryout in the minor league club." Basil said.

I then shifted my attention to the huge stadium that I was in. But zoned back in when coach said.
"Let's have some fun!" And we all cheered.


As we were all playing around in the ice, I saw banks skating alone.

I sighed and skated up to him, taking his hand.

"Come on!" I yelled as I pulled his hand to skate with me.

"Slow down!" Adam chuckled as I pulled us around the rink.

"I'll race ya." I smirked. Letting go of his hand.

"Oh your on." Adam smirked and we got ready.

"3! 2! 1!" We shouted and started to skate across the rink.

I quickly skated in front of his, so far winning.

And I then got to the end or the rink, Adam not so far behind me.

"I win!" I said and did my victory dance.

"Haha." Adam said enthusiastically.
"Let's do a shootout. First to 3 wins."

"Oh your so on!" I smirked and we got our stick.

"Goldberg!" We both shouted as he skated over.

"Um yeah?" He asked.

"Be a goalie for a minute." I said.

"Oh come on! This is my one time to just relax!" Goldberg wined, but stoped when I glared at him.

Once we started, I skated around Adam, scoring.

"Lucky shot." Adam scoffed.

"Mhm say whatcha want, cake-eater." I playfully rolled my eyes and went back to my position.

Adam quickly skated around me, scoring.

"Lucky shot." I mocked.

"Mhm say whatcha want, firecracker." Adam smirked and went to his position.

I skated past him, scoring. Then he scored, and I scored again. Winning.

"Oh yeah!!" I shouted dancing around.

"I let you win." Adam shrugged.

"Yeah I'm sure you did." I scoffed, taking his hand and skating to everyone else.

I smiled brightly when I saw Connie and guy holding hands.

"Yesss!!!" I shouted to Sidney who was also smiling.

"What was that about?" Adam asked me.

I then pointed to Connie and guy jumping around happily.

"They're so cute arent they!!!" I yelled, but stoped when Connie sent me a glare.

I saw in the corner of my eye, him smiling at me.

I left my lips turn into a small smile before skating with the others, sliding on our knees.


Later on: the game was happening, the north stars were winning.

I was sitting in between Adam and Sidney, Connie and guy on the other side of her.

I started screaming when I saw the board say:
"Welcome Gordon Bombay and the ducks!"

"That's so cool!" I yelled so Adam who was also cheering.

"Yeah!" Adam yelled.

After a couple of minutes, I saw Alex Larson and Brandon McGill , using fake guns at Adam.

I flipped them off before squeezing adams hand, with a reassuring smile.

"Y'know you didn't need to flip them off, now they'll be gunning for you at the game." Adam sighed, taking my hand.

"Oh come on banksie! You should now by now that no one messing with my friends!" I yelled.

"Yeah I know." Adam smiled before shifting his attention back to the game.

Anna speaks!!
hiii sorry for the short chapter, school is so stressful right now so I had like no time to write this. I wrote this in math today.... Anywayssss

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