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"THE DUCKS? WERE THE DUCKS?" Jesse said staring at the green jerseys coach had taken out of a box.

"Man. What brain-dead jerk came up with that name?" Peter snickered, causing the rest of us to laugh.

"As a matter of fact, I did." Coach sighed.

"But I didn't have a choice, we're being sponsored."

"By who? Donald the daisy?" Averman joked.

"Hey! You don't wanna be the ducks? Rather be district 5? Some stupid number?"

"Better then some stupid animal." Peter stated, getting nods of agreement from us.

"I'll have you know, Peter. The ducks is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom." Coach explained.

"But they're wimpy." Connie winded.

"They don't even have teeth." Guy added.

"Neither do hockey players." Coach smiled causing us to laugh.

"Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if you mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock." Coach said then took of his jacket, revealing his own 'duck' jersey.

We all shared our laughs or making fun of him before he said,
"I'm proud to be a duck, and I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how about it? Who's a duck?"

Everyone gave each other looks, wondering who was going to say it first.

"I'll be a duck." Fulton said walking over to coach.

"Yeah me two." Charlie smiled getting up.

"Me three!" I yelled dragging Sidney, and Connie's hands to bring them over.

Eventually, everyone agreed and was now getting their jerseys cheering.

Roberts, #98

"Now we're the ducks!"


"The mighty ducks!"


"What are we?"

"The ducks!"


"What the hell are they doing?" I heard one of the cardinal players snicker looking at us.

I can't blame them. We were throwing footballs around, in our hockey gear, waiting for the game to start.

"Every time you get the puck, your the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him. Let him know it's comin! Come on guys this isn't a library, talk to each other!" Coach said walking around us.

Now Fulton was practising his shot.

"Holy shit!" I yelled when the puck broke some glass.


"Alright, let's forget the past. We lost a few game, tough! That was district five. Now we're the ducks. And the ducks..... are undefeated." Coach said which we cheered to.

"Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Gooooo.... Ducks!" We chanted.


The crowd started cheering once I got the puck in.

My friends then started to trample over me.

"Our first goal!" Sidney yelled.

"Go karp!" I yelled as he was on defence.

But... that didn't go well... some player shot the puck right into his forehead, making a dent in his helmet.

"I don't wanna go to school today mom." Karp wined as Charlie took his helmet off.

"Karp, how many fingers am I holding up?" Coach asked show four fingers.

"He wouldn't know that anyway." Pater scoffed.

"Shut up Peter." I said annoyed, shoving him.

"Jeez look at this." Guy said looking at the huge dent.

"The karp-ster used his head to stop the puck. Mr karp-a-lanee." Averman blabbered.

"Let's get out off the ice." Coach said and some of up helped karp into the bench.

"Okay ducks, we still got a chance here. Connie, Cortney, Jesse, guy. Time for the secrect weapon." Coach said.

We nodded as we went to our positions, me in centre.

I passed the puck to Connie, who passed it to Fulton. As he winded up, he faked it. Then passed to me and i scored. Tie.

"First win!" Sidney yelled hugging me.

"We tied!" I laughed.

"Better then what we usually have." Charlie shrugged.

"Whatever." I laughed, as we skated off the ice.


this chapter is kinda boring but whatever

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