Chapter 1 (Sagepaw)

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Brown eyes peered behind a patch of fern, watching a scarred, young, brown tabby make his way accros the border, sniffing cautiously.

It had been a half-moon since the battle, rogues sometimes still roamed acrros the territory, lost. Sagepaw wrinkled his nose at the stench of crow-food and sickness, it was clear the tabby was sick and had only eaten crow-food.

He saw a pair of beautiful gray eyes peer from behind a tree, he reconized Smokepaw, he motioned to the tabby, she nodded and disappeared, climbing the trunk of the tree.

Smokepaw and Sagepaw were downwind, the tabby couldn't see or scent them. The black tom soundlessly moved behind a patch of long grass close by, he saw Smokepaw ready on top of a high, sturdy tree branch.

He nodded and silently stepped forward, the tabby hissed at his silent appearance, Sagepaw growled, his ears slightly pinned back and a hostile glint in his eyes.

The tabby smirked, unsheathing his claws challengingly, Sagepaw grinned, unsheathing his claws as well, he took a quick glance at Smokepaw, she hopped from branch from branch until she stood on a branch directly behind the brown tabby.

"I remember you," the brown tabby chuckled "I remember how I had my claws tear through your flesh!" he snarled, Sagepaw snarled, Smokepaw took this as a signal to do something.

"and I remember giving you those wounds on your flanks!" she snarled, startling the tabby, she jumped down from the branch, her claws unsheathed, the tabby glanced between them.

Sagepaw stepped forward challengingly, distracting the tabby tom, Smokepaw took her chance and knocked the brown tabby's hind legs from under him.

Sagepaw jumped back, avoiding a paw swiping at his muzzle, yet he wasn't clear of the attack, he felt claws tear into his shoulder, reopening an old wound.

the tabby fell with a yelp, he walked to the tabby's side, holding his upper body down with a paw on the back of his head and one between his shoulders.

Smokepaw had her paws on his lower back, Sagepaw heard pawsteps approaching, he took a cautious sniff, he relaxed when he scented his clanmates.

Meadowslate and Tigerleap appeared from behind some long grass, looking surprised, Meadowslate approached them "I am surprised, but well done you two." he nodded to the two apprentices.

Sagepaw smiled, Meadowslate motioned for them to let the rogue go, Sagepaw stepped back, barely avoiding a paw striking his face.

Tigerleap approached, growling in warning and glared at the rogue "run." he growled, his green and blue eyes having a threatening glint in his eyes, the rogue seemed to realize he was in danger and fled with a yowl.

Meadowslate sighed "he chased away all the prey in the area, let's take our catch back to camp." Sagepaw nodded and followed his own scent trail back to the pile of prey he left at the roots of a tree.

He removed the leaves with his tail, grabbing the two mice and vole he had caught, prey had started to return to the lake, and it was well needed as they had only half the clan to hunt.

ThunderClan had luckily lost no cats during the battle but ShadowClan did, they barely had enough cats to hunt and patrol, ThunderClan had volunteered to help, they patrolled and helped to fix the camp.

Coyotepaw, Silentstone, Dawnpaw, Metalpaw, Royalscar, Monarchpaw and Goldensmoke had gone to ShadowClan.

Sagepaw carried his catch back to the camp, Smokepaw had caught two voles and a blackbird and Meadowslate had caught a rabbit and three mice, Tigerleap unfortunately had only caught a rabbit.

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