Chapter 3 (Timberpaw)

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Timberpaw awoke in his nest, he decided to go out for fresh herbs, Rainwhiskers had gone to ShadowClan to help stock up their storage.

She had been gone for two days already and he and Hazelpaw were doing fine on their own.

He walked out the thorn tunnel, heading for the lake to gather watermint.

The snow was melting fast, which was good because the prey was returning to the lake, with all these rogues around, cats kept getting more wounds, and that meant alot of herbs were being used, and cats needed to stay well fed to heal and stay healthy.

He could already hear the ripples of the lake, he stopped by a small patch of dock, he grabbed a few, making sure to leave enough of the plant so it would keep growing.

He continued on, he went over to a specific place that he knew the watermint was growing at. He plucked a few stems and bundled them up with the dock leaves he had gotten and headed back to camp.

Sharpstar was sitting under Highledge, watching his clanmates around camp while sharing a small rabbit with his mate, Aquawhisper.

Smokepaw and Sagepaw were showing eachother different battle techniques, Lionfang, Oneclaw and Streamingsky were watching the kits scuffle.

Meadowslate was out with Emeraldfire and Tigerleap on border patrol, Wolfpaw was watching Smokepaw and Sagepaw while eating a mouse, the apprentices had already caught food for the elders.

Timberpaw walked into the medicine den, Hazelpaw was sorting through the pile of dock, the pile had gotten small over time from all the injuries that needed dock.

Timberpaw dropped the herbs and started sorting through them, he pushed the dock over to Hazelpaw's pile and stored the watermint into the herb storage.

Timberpaw's ear flicked, he could faintly hear the dawn patrol walking into the camp, the scent of blood hung thickly in the air.

He glanced at Hazelpaw, his hazel eyes were filled with concern, both medicine apprentices walked out of their den. Tigerleap was talking to a concerned Sharpstar, blood dripping from his wounds.

"again?" Timberpaw sighed, he walked over to Meadowslate and Emeraldfire, they had some nasty wounds that didn't seem to be from cat claws.

"what happened?" he asked, Emeraldfire looked up "we encountered a fox, well, it hunted us down." she explained "don't worry, we'll take care of those wounds." he gave her a friendly smile.

Hazelpaw and Timberpaw brought them to the medicine den, Timberpaw inspected their wounds while Hazelpaw got the herbs.

After treating them, Hazelpaw went out to grab them some fresh-kill, his wound, which he had gotten from two ShadowClan cats when he was out on a walk with Silentstone, had been healing well.

Timberpaw cleaned up the remains of the herbs and sat down next to the pool, cleaning the herbs from his paws.

The Gathering was in five days, the first Gathering after the clans had defeated Blazeclaw.

Timberpaw shuddered at the memory, all the blood and vicious yowls, the deaths, Altough luckily most of the rogues weren't as strong as the ones the clans had faced a few seasons ago, most of those rogues had been killed during the battle, what if he was the one who was fighting along with the other clans?

He shook the thoughts away as Hazelpaw dropped a mouse in front of him, he meowed a thanks and gulped it down.

He licked the remainders from his whiskers before padding out of his den, he looked around camp, it looked peaceful but a lot of cats were not here.

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