Chapter 5 (Coyotepaw)

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The bracken colored she-cat watched Lividstar closely, the ShadowClan she-cat had promised to give her some combat lessons while Silentstone was away.

The black she-cat got into a fighting pose, they were dueling, Lividstar lunged at her aiming a swipe at her shoulder.

Coyotepaw side-stepped her and dived towards her legs, she gently nipped them, she didn't want to hurt her.

Lividstar jumped back and swiped at her head, Coyotepaw dodged and jumped up, throwing herself into Lividstar.

Lividstar tumbled onto her back with Coyotepaw on top of her, a paw on her throat and her hindpaws on either side of her with her remaining paw ready to strike if she tried anything.

Coyotepaw had learned this move from Sagepaw, Lionfang had shown him it.

Lividstar kicked her off by using her hindlegs, Coyotepaw yelped and skidded backwards, before she could regain herself, Lividstar was already charging at her.

Coyotepaw could just barely block the leader's attack with her paw, she backed up a few steps and dodged another blow.

Lividstar was too quick for her, and Coyotepaw had promised herself she wouldn't use her ability.

She couldn't always rely on her abilities, she needed to know how to fight without them.

Lividstar lunged at her, her frontlegs outstretched, Coyotepaw couldn't dodge and got hit in her flank.

She got pushed back into a tree, she coughed and could narrowly dodge a blow to the head, Lividstar's hit the tree trunk and the she-cat hissed.

Coyotepaw saw her chance and she took it, she slammed her shoulder into her side and the she-cat gasped.

The she-cat stumbled backwards and Coyotepaw attacked again, she swiped at the she-cat's flank.

Lividstar backed away a few steps and shook her head "okay, I think that's enough for now." the she-cat smiled.

Coyotepaw nodded "okay, is there anything else I need to do?" she asked, the apprentice was still energized.

"You could hunt, or check on the SkyClan cats." Lividstar shrugged "there's not really much to do, the rubble is almost cleared out and the patrols are already finished."

Coyotepaw nodded "alright, I'll go hunt and then I'll check on them." she decided, the ShadowClan leader nodded and watched her ran towards the ditches.

Coyotepaw opened her mouth and took in the scents of the pine forest, prey wasn't as plentiful as it should've been, the forest had almost ran out of prey and it was slowly coming back.

She could scent a mouse and she went after it, she crouched down and followed the mouse with her eyes.

She lunged at the prey after it turned its back to her, she killed it with a clean bite, she headed back to camp after checking if there was any prey in the area.

She walked inside the camp and saw Lividstar playing with the kits, she dropped the mouse on the fresh-kill pile and walked over to them.

"hey kits." she greeted them, they rushed over to her "Coyotepaw!"

"can we play HuntClan?" Rosekit asked, Coyotepaw looked at them confused "what's that?"

"it's a game where we play Blazeclaw VS clancats!" Maskedkit explained, Coyotepaw smiled "why not."

"okay, you're Blazeclaw and we are the clancats." Rosekit said, Coyotepaw nodded and backed away, playfully growling at them.

Maskedkit and Rosekit ran towards her with their other littermate Strikekit, squealing in delight as they jumped at her.

Coyotepaw fell onto her back, yowling playfully as she gently tried to push them off, but they would just get back on top of her.

"we've got you now!" one of them roared.


Coyotepaw yawned as dusk was settling, she took another bite of her blackbird, sleep was creeping into her fur.

Lividstar sat down next to her, a small mouse between her paws, the she-cats ate in silence until both their meals were finished.

"tired?" Lividstar asked, Coyotepaw nodded and yawned, the leader smiled "go to your nest, you need sleep."

Coyotepaw yawned again and nodded, walking into the apprentice den and heading to her temporary nest.

Yet sleep didn't come fast enough, as Coyotepaw found herself awake at Moonhigh, despite her tiredness she was still awake.

With a sigh, she got up, maybe she could take a walk around camp and try to tire herself out more.

Everybody was asleep, except for Lividstar, she was perched next to the entrance, she seemed to be on guard duty.

The older she-cat noticed her immediately and motioned her over, the apprentice walked over with a tired glint in her emerald eyes she inherited from her father.

"why aren't you asleep?" she asked once the apprentice was next to her, Coyotepaw shrugged "I don't know, I just can't sleep."

"is there something on your mind?" Lividstar asked, Coyotepaw sighed, closing her eyes for a moment "I'm worried about Silentstone and Monarchpaw." she admitted.

Lividstar gave her a small smile "don't worry, I've known Silentstone since we first met as apprentices, he's strong, and so is your brother, they'll be fine." she told her.

Comforted by Lividstar's words, she smiled "your right, I think I am going to sleep now." she told her.

The leader returned her smile and nodded "rest well, Coyotepaw." the apprentice dipped her head and walked back into the apprentice den, curling up into her nest.

Yet she couldn't help but notice that her brothers nest was empty and cold.

Back in the camp, Lividstar looked up into the night sky, "I do hope you'll be okay.." she whispered into the night, she herself was worried about the patrol.

Outside clan territory had become more dangerous than ever, remaining rogues prowled around the border.

Her hazel eyes glanced at one of the bright stars in the sky, her ancestors seemed to tell her that they'll be fine.

"watch over them, StarClan." she asked, her whisper being the last thing that disturbed the quiet night.

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