Chapter 6 (Silentstone)

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The gray-white deputy bounded over the fallen tree, his senses were alert, he was outside clan territory, he needed to be careful.

Monarchpaw and Shadowingscar followed behind him, it hadn't been hard to find the path that the group of loners had taken.

Silentstone let his gaze go around the area, it was quiet, no cats could be seen except for them.

He motioned for them to continue, they kept quiet, as to not let their voices alert animals near by.

They soon reached a river, Silentstone inspected it, the river was deep and wide, but it wasn't wide enough to stop him from jumping over.

Shadowingscar could probably do it too, but Monarchpaw was a different story, he turned around.

"any ideas on how to get accros?" he asked, Monarchpaw and Shadowingscar looked around, the apprentice bounded uphill.

"over here!" he called, Silentstone padded towards him, the apprentice motioned to a small stretch of land in the middle of the water, the river had grown wider, but Monarchpaw could probably use the stretch of land to get accros.

"me and Shadowingscar will go downhill and cross there, Monarchpaw, you can cross here." he decided, they agreed and Silentstone headed back downhill.

Silentstone glanced behind him, the jumps were still pretty wide, what if he can't make it? Silentstone thought, he shook the thought away and stopped.

"ready?" Silentstone asked, the Shadowclan cat nodded, together they jumped across the river, Silentstone rushed uphill, finding Monarchpaw on the stretch of land.

Monarchpaw glanced at them before he got ready to jump, Silentstone watched closely as he jumped.

He rushed forward as a heavy wave of water almost knocked the apprentice off of his paws as he landed just at the edge of the water.

The apprentice yelped as he was suddenly dragged onto the ground, he stood up and gave Silentstone a thank you.

"can you find the scent again?" Shadowingscar asked, Monarchpaw parted his jaws for a moment.

"this way!" the apprentice ran towards a stretch of trees, Silentstone was confident in his nephews skills, he quickly picked up the scent too.

It was starting to become dusk and his stomach rumbled, the scents were fresher now, maybe they could find the loners today.

Monarchpaw was a few tail lengths ahead, he suddenly stopped and ran back towards them.

Silentstone came to a halt and looked at him questioningly "they're close!" he whispered, Silentstone nodded and signaled he'd take the lead again.

He kept his steps light, as to not make any sounds and was tempted to jump into one of the trees.

"can you climb?" he asked Shadowingscar, the tom hesitated "barely." he responded.

He motioned for Monarchpaw to help him as he jumped high into the tree, his training in StarClan had done him well.

His claw dug into the bar and slowly he hauled himself onto a branch, he helped the ShadowClan tom up and then he peered around.

He could see a few cats hanging around a few flat boulders, they were young, and Silentstone recognized them.

There were three kits, four cats that looked like they are about as old as apprentices, maybe a bit younger, and then there were three cats whom looked like young warriors, maybe a bit younger.

"Monarchpaw, I think you don't look that much like a threat, could you see if you can get close and talk to them, we'll be right behind you." he told the apprentice.

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