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Y/n L/n a young, smart, cocky, art student who has no real ambitions in life. She just went to school, went home painted and that was that. She didn't go home to the white picket fence. No. She went to that a home with a hard-working mother, and dad Y/n did not mind having a father for the most part. As far as she knew she wasn't missing much. She is more than happy with just having a mother.

As Y/n sat on the porch painting a bird's nests that for what reason she found inspiring. Listening to the birds chirp just enjoying the air.

Y/n mother Katherine was sitting at the dining room table enjoying just watching the still life that was her daughter painting. She knew she would not be able to take care of her forever. She was sick and knew her clock was ticking. Tears welled in her eyes as her trembling hands picked up the phone and dialed the number she has been avoiding.

Katherine is a very independent women, so when she learned that she was pregnant she decided it would be better if she raised the child on her own. For she knew that the father of her child was not the type of man to be settled down. She knew he would have just paid her off and sent her on her own anyway. So why face the heartbreak. Katherine raised the child on her own and was a strong mother and father to her daughter.

She knew he has matured over the years, or so he claims. The phone ringed once, twice, "Yello?" Her breathe hitched as she tried to settle before speaking. "Hello? Anyone there?" "Tony, it's Katherine I don't you Rember me but -" "No I remember reno right? Look I love to hear from old flames and all, but I'm in a committed relationship."

Of course, his mind goes straight to that. "No, I just want to talk that's all. It's important." A beat of awkward silence fills the air "If I have a thirteen-year-old kid just wandering around I'm gonna freak out." "She's sixteen actually." "Huh, so what? After sixteen years you finally decide to tell me? Do you want money?" "No, god no it's just that...god this is so hard." Tears started to stream done her cheeks. The idea of having to leave her daughter with no one terrifies her. So, with a heavy heart she has to beg her ex-fling who has no idea he has a child, to watch over her.

She knew Y/n would never go with the idea of a guy she doesn't even know taking care of her, but Y/n can't be alone. She's too young for that kind of pain. "Katherine?" "Yeah, I'm here sorry, look I'm sick, ok? I don't have a lot of time and I can't have her alone. I just can't. So please just watch her you don't even half to live with her. You would never have to talk to her just make sure my girl is ok. I can't have her being not taken care of she a is at an age where she is just finding our who she is gonna be and-" A sob interrupted her she couldn't help it just had to be released. "Katherine, I had no idea how long?" "A month maybe less."

"Oh god." Tony had been silenced her never thought about the possibility of this. He was reckless but he thought he was' that reckless. A sixteen-year-old daughter. That's a huge deal, but he had no other choice was he just supposed to have his daughter orphaned with no parents. That's around the age he lost his, and he would be damned before anyone would do that to his kid. Even if he didn't know her. yet.

"Can I meet her?" "Yeah, I'll send you the address you can come to dinner." "Ok." 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now