Ch. 18

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Bruce and Steve practically ran out of the room, Steve running to his truck. Bruce rushing down the stairs catching Tony off guard. "What's going on?" Tony asked emotionless not even glancing away from his footage. "Where's the trash?"


"The trash with the gummies, Tony where is it?" 

 "Under the work bench." Bruce pushed aside the bench kneeling toward the trash. Tony turned to him with furrowed brows, "why the gummies?"

"Y/n got them from her science teacher." Tony stood up wincing at the pain in his knees from sitting for so long. "I'm not following you." Bruce found the packet and shoved it in Tony's face triumphantly, which Tony swatted away. Bruce ran to his workstation and started to work with the gummies. "Bruce talk to me!" 

 "We think her science teacher is working for Hydra. We also think the gummies are why Y/n is so weak. I mean think about it, her heart should have started right back up when you put in the reactor. It didn't though! It made it worse! Like they knew you would do that! It was a set up Tony!"

Tony gaped at Bruce eyes widening in realization, "son of a bitch." He muttered, "you work on the contents of the lining of the bag, I'll work on the gummies. We need to get a guy down to that school."

"Already ahead of you Steve is down there now."

"Good," The two worked for a few minutes in a thick silence when Tony mumbled. "Thank you, Bruce." "Anything for the kid, right?"

Steve ran into the school's head office, "I need to know what science teacher Y/n Potts has!"

"Captain Rogers?"

"Yes, this is important the teacher?" The secretary started to type on her computer, her quick hands making loud clicks. "It's Mr. Turner in room three - fifteen." Steve mumbled a 'thank you' and run out the office and up the stairs. Ignoring the stares and surprised voices to see Captain America running through the school. He made it to the third floor counting every room he could find.

When he finally made it to the room, he finds it full of students gaping at the hero. The teacher's face goes white as he stares at Steve eerily. "Class dismissed," Turner mumbled opening his desk drawer while nonchalantly and slowly reaching for whatever is inside. Right as every student is out stave had his pistol out and pointed to the stranger. "Don't even think about it." He growled, making Turner put his hands up.

"Look I didn't want to hurt the kid. I just had a debt is all. I paid it." Steve etched closer pulling him out of his chair by his collar. "Debt with who!?" 

 "With the Winter Soldier! I saw him kill a guy at a conference in France. Some college kids!"

"Who's the Winter Soldier?" Turner whimpered as Steve yelled at him, his grip tightening on him and his gun. "Tell me!"

"I don't know! His face was covered! He wore a mask, but he had a metal arm!"

"Metal arm?" Steve said loosening his grip remembering the assassin that took Y/n. "Yeah with a star on it." Steve through the teacher back in his chair and walked out of the building pulling out his phone. "Bruce it's Steve, yeah, he is some weasel, look we need to get all intel on the Winter Soldier. Call Natasha." He hung up walking back to his truck heading back home. He was lost in thought when he hits the breaks fast. Infront of him is the famed metal armed assassin. Pointing a gun at him, with no mask on. Steve was frozen, watching with tears in his eyes. "Bucky?" He whispered. 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now