Ch. 27

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Katherine hummed to herself, lost in her own world. Tony was star struck watching her. Her dark hair was tied back, back in his old shirt. "Katherine?" He asks so quietly, so numbly he watches her. She turns her gaze at him with a small smile. "Hi, Tony?"

He looked around and laughed to himself, "you know I knew that this apartment was cool, but for it to be heaven?" 

"It's not Heaven, or Hell, or any other afterlife." She said her voice was just as warm as he Remember's, just like she was. "Then what?" 

"It's like a 'remember what you're fighting for kind of thing." 

"What?" Her gaze turned to the tv, and it turned on, it played Y/n sitting in front of Stephen they both look at each other with a glare. "What's this?" 

"This is my glimpse into my daughter's reality. She doesn't know it but I'm always here, I never left her not really." 

Tony nodded and he sat down on his old couch and watched his daughter. "What now?" She asked Strange, "Now we see what you are destined for." He answered laying out five tarot cards each holding their own stone. "You can do that?" 

"Kind of, it's an accurate way of depicting how someone will be in the future." 

"With cards?" 

"Enchanted tarot cards, now can I do this?" Tony chucked with a smile as he watched, "now to pick one." She looked at the cards taking in every stone, each card looked the same to her. All faced down, a symbol on each that she didn't know. She picked the Amythyst, and he nodded taking the stone, and turning the stone. "The death, a strong one, end, letting go, new beginning." 

"What's that mean?" 

"That means that everything is going to be ok." She looked at Strange and nodded rolling her eyes at his dramatics. "What did you get when you did this?" 

"The magician." That makes her laugh and the tv shuts of as he she stops. Tony looks at Katherine and she explained, "we can only see some parts. The important parts. Don't worry she will be back her life is long." 

"What now?" 

"Now? Now, we wait for her." 


Strange and Y/n eat together in silence enjoying the sunset when Wong runs in with Bruce. "What is it?" Strange asked, and Wong took a deep breath in, looking at Bruce. Y/n looked at them, "Bruce, what are you doing here? I thought dad was going to-" Then it hit her, the way they looked at her. The way his own grief was shown on his features. "Bruce?"

"I'm so, so sorry honey." He said kneeling down and hugging her. Holding her close. "No, no he's fine." She whispered, and he just held her, "No, Bruce he's fine!" 

"I'm sorry, he just wanted you to be safe, and he did what he thought he needed too." 

"He's fine! He's ironman for God's sake! He can't be-" She was interrupted by a sob, and Bruce just nodded. A few tears escaping him as well. "I know honey, we'll take care of you. Just as he wanted. Strange looked at Wong with a heavy heart and he put a hand on her back. "I don't want a new beginning." She whimpered, and Stephen's heart broke. He knows however with pain comes conquest. The strongest people go through the most tragic things.

Y/n Stark is destined for great things. He knows this, but there are trials she must conquer. Grief is one of them. 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now