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"Hey Tony, what's this?" Bruce asked analyzing the new painting in the garage. "What happened to your old Iron Man?" He asks with a smirk, Tony walks over with pride written all of his features. "Y/n painted it, she's good right?" Bruce nods absentmindedly, "Yeah but there's flowers in the coming out of the suit?"

"Cherry blossoms, they are Y/ns favorite. Cherry trees are her favorite too." Tony mumbles getting back to his work. Bruce continues skeptically, "The shadows of the suit are green?" "She likes green. She wants to dye her hair green actually, Pepper says no, but I think what's the harm?" Bruce sits down at the work bench folding his arms on the table. Looking at Tony with narrow eyes, and a small smile. Tony looks up from his coil spring, "What?" He asks, "Nothing it's just I remember when you went to crazy party's every night. Now your making dad decisions."

Bruce pauses trying to gather his thoughts, "Has she called you dad yet?" Tony goes silent going back to working on the spring, Bruce sits back astonished. "She hasn't!? She's been here for three months. She asks for your permission, over all treats you like her father but-"

"I get it Bruce." Tony interrupts frustrated, he wished she would call him dad. He knows that she trusts him and that alone makes his heart happy, but if she could just get that one word out. "Sorry, that was out of line." Bruce mumbles looking down, "Your fine it's just so damn aggravating." Bruce nods along in understanding, Then the garage door opens.

"She has the passcode?" Bruce whispers to his friend, "Well yeah what if she needs me but I'm here in the garage." Tony whispers back as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Tony walks to his daughter and kisses her head before putting away the coil. "What's going on Pip?" He asks picking up a toolbox and heading to one of his suits.

"Can I go over to Gwen's for studying?" He looks at her apprehensively, "Studying huh?" She nods not looking him in the eyes. "Gwen a school friend?" She nods, "and she is a big studier?" She nods again. "You're even bringing your backpack?" She nods the lights finally clicking as she steps back. "Pipsqueak pass me the bag."

"Nothing that special is in it." She argues but he just shakes his head and signals for her to pass him the bag. "Then there should be no problem." After waiting a few seconds, he snaps his fingers, and a suit takes the backpack off of her. Handing it to Tony, "Come on using Jarvis? Really?" He ignores her and opens the bag his heart sinking at the sight of three bottles of vodka.

"Y/n Stark! You are sixteen years old! What would compel you too do this!" Bruce walks over and he hands the back to him, and he sighs looking into the bag. "Oh, Y/n this has serious consequences. Liver diseases, strokes, diabetes and alcohol is a very serious and addicting thing." Bruce explains setting the bag down both men look at her with crossed arms.

"What were you thinking?" Bruce asks trying to remain calm, but his stress and worry leak into his voice. Through the months Bruce has become very protective over the girl, along with most Avengers. "She obviously wasn't thinking Bruce. Did you drink any?" She shakes her head no, but Tony doesn't believe her.

"I am so disappointed in you." Tony mumbles and her heart sinks to her feet. "I'm sorry." "I know, but It's too late. Go to your room, and don't even think of leaving this house. If you do, I will have swat on you in two minutes you understand?" She nods, "I'm sorry I can't hear you." "Yes, I understand." She mumbles and walks back upstairs to her room.

"Jarvis, I want eyes on her." Then a holographic screen appears, Y/n sitting on her bed is projected. A blue hue covers the room. Tony sits down with his head in his hands. "You, ok?" Bruce asks, "No my daughter is acting just the way I did. I can't let her be me, Bruce. I... I just can't." 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now