Ch. 25

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The class watched with wide eyes as she stridden out down the hall. She didn't know where she was going, she just wanted to go somewhere. After a few minutes she came to a set of huge double doors, pushing them ignoring the tightness in her chest. She was met with a huge library, Wong sat at a table organizing books. Humming to himself, pleased to be in his own world. He looks up at her with a small smile. "Hi," he chimes, she kind of just waved awkwardly looking down at the books. He pointed to a chair in front of him and she kindly took it, looking up at him apprehensively. "So, I heard you and Strange don't see eye to eye yet." 

"How could you possibly, I just left that class like five seconds ago?" Wong stopped what he was doing, to look at her. "It's the walls they talk." He whispers harshly and she gives him a weird look before he went back to his relaxed face. "I'm kidding, it was this guy named Todd he is such a gossip." He sighed rolling his eyes making her laugh, her laughter was caught short by a coughing fit and her chest started to hurt. "You haven't been taking it easy." He noted looked down at her, and she shook her head. "I fell out a window this morning." Now it was Wongs turn to laugh, "why?" 

"Escape." He sighed, "why would you want to do a thing like that?" 

"I want to go home. I spent two weeks in a coma, before that I was so sad, I wasn't even me. I just want to see my family." Wong nodded, "love is a strong motivator. So, is death. Which is what you will experience if you don't start paying attention around here. You think Strange just wants to get on your nerves. He wants to help you." Wong points to her head, "you need to heal that," then he points to her heart, "before you can heal that." 

 After a few seconds of silent understanding Stephen marched in "Miss Stark, you cannot just leave I had no idea where you were!" 

"Well obviously you were fine, I mean you found me, right?" She could have sworn she saw his eye twitch, "She has a point." Wong muttered stacking his books again, and Y/n smiled as Strange glared at him. "Really?" 


"Whose side are you on?" 

"I'm on the side that is best for the girl." Strange crossed his arms, "are you saying I'm not what's best for the girl?" 

"No, I'm saying maybe don't interrogate the girl with a heart condition in front of everyone!" 

"Thank you!" Y/n yelled throwing her hands in the air, both men stopped at looked at her exasperated. "It wasn't like that!" Strange yelled at Wong, and he just rolled his eyes "really so, you didn't ask her where her mother was now?" 

Strange sat there searching for words, "well, I mean, just wait a second how did you?" 

"Todd!" Strange threw his hands in the air, "of course it was that guy!" Y/n sat back and watched as the two men glared at each other. "What is happening right now" She asked, and Wong sighed, "what is happening is that I am about to make you a cup of green tea. It is good for heart health. Then your mentor will find better way to teach you. Rather than embarrassing you!" Wong answered leaving the library in a huff and Strange turned to her with a small smile. "Are you guys like married or something?" She asked his shoulders immediately slouched, "no, he is just a pain in my ass." 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now