Ch. 21

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Steve and Bucky ran into the scene with furrowed guns loaded. Natasha was on the ground with clint running and taking down the vehicles that came rushing toward the building. Thor and Tony were taking helicopters where Bruce was helping them when the copters fell out of the sky. Throwing the scraps at running soldiers. All of them worked in unison all wondering where their captain was. Until Natasha spotted him with Bucky running in and shooting a few Hydra agents. "Oh, what the hell?" She said, tapping Clint on the arm and pointing toward Bucky. Both look at each other with confused glances. "Does he work with us now?" Clint asked, and Natsha shrugged, before hopping onto a nearby car. Tony spotted Steve and immediately landed, "What the fuck is he doing with you!" 

"Relax Tony, it isn't what it looks like." 

"Really, cause what it looks like is that you are buddying it up with the enemy?" Bucky looked down ashamed, "He didn't have a choice!" 

"Oh, he didn't? Ok? How do you know he is telling the truth?"

The avengers tried to keep up the pace as their leaders fought, but they had to admit it was difficult. Thor had to start getting help form the Hulk. "Guys lets focus!" Thor shouts throwing his hammer at several soldiers. "This isn't the way!"

"He's right!" Clint yelled back shooting his arrows at motorcyclists. "God they just keep coming. How bad do they want this kid?" He asked Natasha and she punched him in the arm. "Look I just want to help." Bucky said sternly, and Tony scoffed, "I think you've done enough." 

"Tony-" Steve scolded but he interrupted, "no, my daughter is dying! All, because of him, them! I told her I would protect her forever and now the last thing she will remember of me is that I was disappointed in her!" 

"Whose faults that?" Steve asked, and Tony looked at him gutted. "Mine." He whispered more to himself. Soon a copter came crashing down beside them and then they were back into reality. "You ladies still talking or are you going to work!?" Natasha screamed and Tony looked at Bucky "One wrong move, and I will kill you. I don't care how strong you are. You're not stronger than my suit." Then he shut his mask and flew off, Thor relieved that he has help. Bucky and Steve went to work shooting and fighting the soldiers. Side by side, just like the old days. 


Stephen with all of Kamar - Taj and his disposal, trying his best to keep his mind and hands steady. His heart beating fast, his mind racing. The cherry blossoms flew elegantly outside, his students brought him anything he requested. He sang under his breath, keeping his mind at hand. Wong assisting him with cleaning the wound. The surgery took eight hours in total, and she will need a lot of physical and mental healing down before she be who she once was. 

Before she can be the best version of herself. Her breathing started to level a few hours after the surgery, which was a good sign now, they were just waiting. Around the third hour mark she started to stir, and Wong and Stephen watched her intently. She squeezed her eyes tight and groaned in pain, before opening them flinching at the light. Her face dropped when she looked around, trying to sit up but Stephen held her down gently. "No, don't strain yourself. I know what this looks like, believe me not great. I'm doctor Stephen Strange this is Wong. We were sent to heal you." 

"Were's my dad?" Her voice came out as a hoarse groan. "Something came up."

"Where is he?" 

"Hydra came to retrieve you. We moved you before they even made it inside." Stephen explained with a smile. "He's still there!" She tried to yell but her voice stopped, and the two men looked at each other. "I need to see him."

"We will bring him here. When we receive word, he is free." 

"Bring him here?" Stephen nodded and Y/n shook her head, "no, I need to be with my dad. You don't understand this is all my fault. I have to fix this. I have to be there." Wong stepped forward kneeling beside Y/n bed. "We understand that you must be very confused, but it is unsafe for you to be anywhere else." 

"I understand your just trying to be nice, but I have to see him. He thinks I don't like him." She looks down with tears in her eyes. "I just wanted to stop thinking." She mumbles her voice so small, so static. "Lay back, you need your rest. We'll bring your father here end of discussion." Stephen said in a gentler stern voice glancing at Wong before leaving. 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now