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Y/n ran upstairs slammed the door to her bedroom and locked it. her hyperventilating has gotten worse, and she can't seem to control it. Her mind kept going back to her mother, and every memory she had with her. Every time she was scared, and her mother comforted her, or every time she felt different her mother was there. Now she will lose that and be all alone. Not to mention the billionaire downstairs. A genius and all he can do is monitor her?"

Tears were running down her cheeks like waterfalls as she hugged her knees. sitting against the door, the sun has gone down, and the beautiful pale moon was shining through her windows. Y/n loved the moon, she would often sit and look at it her mom would come in and scold her for not sleeping. Sometimes she would sit with Y/n and tell her stories of how the moon loved the sun, but they could never be together.

Now however in a time when she knows the ending is not going to be a happy one. Y/n feels no comfort from her moon tonight. "Y/n?" It was Tony, "The food came, you want to come down eat something?" "No." Tony heart hurt for the girl, when he lost his mom, it stung and he didn't even know that was going to happen, but she does she knows there is nothing she can do but watch. "Well, it will be down there when you're ready to eat. Oh, and Y/n?" "Yeah?" "It was nice meeting you." Y/n didn't answer because for her it was meeting a superhero that can save everyone except the one person she actually wants saved.

Days went by and Y/n tried not letting her clock get in the way. Sadly, all Y/n could see was that timer going out on her mother. Now more than ever. She was coughing more and getting tired easier. It was a Thursday, a bright and beautiful day. Usually Katherine Would wake Y/n up because they both new alarms just don't work. But she didn't Y/n woke up at nine o clock compared to the usual six. She has never missed a day of waking Y/n up before.

Y/n went downstairs and the tv was still on and her mother was still on the couch. Not laying down she was still sitting up. When Y/n ventured farther she saw that Katherine was in a half conscience and unconscious state. "Mom?" no answer. "Mom!" she looked pale, and she was sweating profusely. "Y/n, I'm sorry I didn't wake you up, I'm just tired that's all." Y/n didn't believe her. She sounded weak, she sounded like she was fighting just to stay wake, she sounded like she was exhausted. "Mom, you, ok?" She nodded her head meekly. 'No, not now please not now!' Y/n repeatedly thought. She ran into the kitchen grabbed her mom's purse and phone and went back to the living room. "Ok, come on were going to the hospital." "No" "You don't have a choice."

Y/n held her mother up as they walked to the car. She buckled Katherine in as she rounded the car. Y/n tried to look confident, tried to look stoic in a way but she felt terrified. She scrolled through her mom's phone dialing Tony, as much as she doesn't want to, she knew she should.

"Yello?" "Tony it's Y/n" "Y/n everything ok?" "NO! Something wrong with mom! Meet me at the hospital on fifth." Then she hung up the phone as fast as possible, and sped off ignoring what the speed limits were and just making sure her mom lives to see the hospital. "Y/n you don't have a license." "It's fine, wait to scold me once your better, ok?" Her mother did not answer she just dosed off "No! Don't sleep, go back to scolding me!" she didn't answer but slowly nod in her direction.

Once they got there, she didn't even park the car before she ran out getting her mom inside. "Help! My mom please!" Nurses came and Y/n started listing things off that she thought they should know for her mom's health. They took her to a room where Y/n was told to wait outside.

She sat in that uncomfortable kind of itchy chair, just staring at the door. The blinds were closed, and nurses were running in and out. Tony ran in and immediately kneeled in front of Y/n putting his hands on both of her shoulders. Tony didn't quit understand it, he knew her for a few minutes, and he already decided that he would protect that kid with his last breath. Even if she doesn't like him yet, he knew that kid was his world. He has not gotten her out of his mind since they met. She was so mad at him, and it hurt. it hurt so bad that when he got home, he started working on something to help Katherine. But he was too late.

"I got you" 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now