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Tony collapsed to the ground holding his daughter close to his chest. Retracting his helmet, he brought his ear to her lips. Looking for a breath, for some sound, anything. "Jarvis do a scan," He mumbled in disbelief staring at his limp daughter. "Please, please, please God. I will do anything, just please." He begged his tears falling down her cheeks. "The scan shows weak pulse, it appears that there is an unknown substance in her veins. Pumping through her Pulmonary vein." 

"Their trying to stop her heart." He mumbled more to himself than Jarvis, "yes sir." He answered, and there was a thick silence. A tension Tony has never felt before, his daughter was dying. Tony looked up slowly, as a thought dawned on him. "Jarvis, contact the team. Tell them I need them they have to make it here, and get Y/n to a hospital a.s.a.p." The A.I listened to its orders, and Tony leaned down to his daughter's ear. "I don't know if you can hear me, but just know this is for you. I love you more than anything Pip." He whispered, taking off his suit and placing the chips on his daughter. Suddenly she was enveloped in pure iron. 

He takes a deep breath and takes out his arc reactor placing it in the middle of the suit. The suit lights up, his vision already blurry, "Jarvis I want all power going to her heart." He whimpered as he fell to the ground unconscious. 

The team ran into view their brows furrow at the sight. Steve took Tony in his arm, rushing into the shield med jet. Natasha opened the helmet, seeing a pale Y/n her heart stops. "Thor get her inside." She ordered, without hesitation, the god picks the young girl up with ease. They're both placed on cots next to each other. Their hands almost touching as they fell. "Thor Tony needs a jump." Clint ordered bringing a med kit to Bruce, Thor tapped Tony's chest gently shooting a jolt through his body. He convulsed but was able to open his eyes slightly ajar. Trailing to his daughter's pale face. 

Bruce shook his head studying the young girl, "we have to get them back home. Their vitals are dropping." He said regretfully, he patted down the girl's hair gently, they all watched as the fragile girl's reactor started to dim. "Bruce." Steve whispered, "I know," he whispered back looking at him with fearful eyes. "Well do something!" Natasha screamed hitting Bruce in the shoulder. "I can't, I don't know what's wrong with her! It could be anything!" He screamed back in a choked sob. 

"Cardiac - bio blockers." Tony horsed out, making the jet go silent. "You sure?" Bruce asked, Tony nodded. "It's the most logical thing." Bruce nodded rummaging through his advanced med kit. "Nat, I need the suit off, and every bit of tech off of her." He ordered, as he tapped on a needle. Nat Clint held onto the end of the cot, "you sure this is going to work?" Bruce and Clint locked eyes, "it has too." He injected the serum into her neck, all their chest tightens as they watched in anticipation. "Computer do a scan of Y/n Stark," Steve ordered breathlessly. "Scans show vitals stable." The voice answered, and everyone took a breath. 

A tear ran down Tony's cheek, as he took in a shaky breath. "You know what this means?" Bruce asked Tony who hesitantly nodded, Nat gazed switched between them. "What!?" She asked looking down at Tony. "She is stable, but that is only cause her blood vessels are working overtime. Her brain has to make up for the blood cells so to protect her it has practically shut down. We have maybe two weeks if we're lucky." Bruce explained, "so what does this mean?" Steve asked, "She's in a coma, and has two weeks to live." A gutted Nat answered. 

One Call - Tony Stark x daughter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now