Ch. 19 *Beach Party*

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*Two weeks later*

When I was with Star the other day, I came up with the idea of a beach party.
Just something that we all can collectively do. Lost Boys included.

I'm already getting comfortable around Marko's presence, now it's time to get comfortable around Dwayne and Paul.

Though David is a question mark.
Well, if he isn't just a complete jerk, then I'll see how things go between us.

And besides...he, very well, might become my vampire brother-in-law.
I shudder just a little.

I don't think Star loves him, though every time I try to ask, she always says yes.
Reasons why I don't believe her, is because she's always hesitant, and when she does answer, it sounds forced.

I just hope that deep down she makes the right decision.
Star has always said or done something, if it meant pushing her and her feelings aside for a better outcome.

I don't want her to end up doing that...

For now though, I'm struggling with three beach bags and a stereo.

Did I over pack?
Most likely.
Still, four guys, two girls. A total of six people.
We need refreshments, plus some snacks.

And luckily, I'll have extra's leftover.

I groan, dragging the speaker behind me before someone speaks up.
"Need help?"
I look to see Marko, arms crossed with a Cherise cat smile on his face.

How convenient.
He seems to be showing up right when I need something or someone lately.
Hey, four hands make light work.

I nod. "Yes please, thanks."
"No problem," he takes my bag before grunting, "Jesus what did you pack? Rocks?
"Yes, rocks," I roll my eyes, "hey, I thought vampires had super strength," I point out.

Can't vampires run at a seriously fast speed?
Plus turn into bat and fly?
That'd be pretty cool honestly.

"Well, not super. But," he shows off by lifting the bag over his head with one hand as if he picked up a feather.
My eyes widen.
"My joke made you smile," he remarks, winking before walking forward towards the spot we picked for the party.

Okay...that was a flirt, wasn't it?
Well, if that isn't a flirt then I don't know what is.
It got me blushing a little as I approach him and begin to set everything up.

I've known him for a short while, but still, he's shown to be alright.
He's the closest one to my age.
He's energetic like me too.
And we both seem to enjoy some of the same things.

Like moterbikes, the boardwalk.

I glance at him for a moment.
It's crazy...on the outside he seems like a normal teen, not a vampire.

The thought makes my mind flip.
But...he was once a human, just like Star was.
What is his past story?

He looks at me. "What's up?" He asks, throwing a blanket on the sand in case anyone wants a seat.

I sit down. "So, what are you able to do? Beside killing people and drinking blood?" I ask, pushing aside the personal questions I want to ask.
It's too soon to ask them.
One day, he'll feel comfortable to share it.

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