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(The finale to The Lost Sister!😭 So, just to note, it's been five years since the Head Vampire died.
Star's age is 25. Luna's age is 21. Enjoy!)


"Careful, Luna, easy steps, that's it. Do you need me to hold your hand?"

"Marko please!" I laugh at his over protectiveness because it's so adorable.
He's been like this for months now, sometimes it's annoying, but mostly it's cute.

"I'm not injured, I'm only pregnant," I point out, before I look down at my round full belly that's literally about to pop.
8 months pregnant...with our first child.
I'm both nervous and excited.

I mean, I'm going to be a mommy!
And Marko is going to be a daddy.
He's extremely nervous, but he's excited, just like me.

He rolls his eyes softly, reaching over and kissing my cheek. "I know, my love," his hand reaches up and touches my stomach.
"I need to remember that you're capable of doing things, and that you don't need me to fret over you."

I smile, running a hand through his curls.
His hair is much shorter now. It doesn't trail down his back anymore.
But still, he's handsomer then ever.

We lean in to kiss, before we hear two screaming 4 year olds open the door and run outside, grabbing our legs with such force Marko and I nearly fall over.

"Careful around aunt Luna!" Star comes rushing out, grabbing her two twin sons by there arms and pulling them away to let me and Marko inside, out of the winter cold.

Three years ago, Mom and Dad moved back to Leavenworth because it brought back so many old memories.
Michael and Star moved to Leavenworth too around the same time Mom and Dad left.

Michael and got married as soon as possible.

A year after the move, Star gave birth to two twin boys.
Lucas and Jared.
Both of them look a lot like there daddy, but they have Star's smile and round face.

And me and Marko, we stayed in Santa Carla.
Marko got a job working construction at Santa Carla, while I became a fashion designer.
Though I was sad to see both my parents and Star leave, I knew that it wasn't goodbye.

We visit them regularly, on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Tonight, actually, is Christmas Eve.

"Michael, come help me please!" Star shouts for her husband as Lucas and Jared struggle to get out of her grip.
They sure can be a handful sometimes.

I giggle softly.

Marko closes the door behind us, taking my coat off before he takes his off.

Michael comes running in. "I'm on it," he grabs his sons, holding each of them up. "Remember your manners," he says, but they completely ignore him.

I smile at Michael.
It seems like yesterday he was that young teenager on the boardwalk, apologizing for his brother nearly pushing me over to get to there runaway dog.

He looks a little different, more mature.
He has more stubble on his chin, and his body has been packing more muscle.

Michael nods at me. "Hey Luna."
"Hey," I wave,

"Auntie Luna!" The boys shout, excited and happy.
Reasons why is because Marko and I always give them the best presents.

I laugh, hugging and kissing each of there chubby cheeks, before Star asks for Michael to go into the living room and turn on some Sesame Street to distract them.

When Michael, Marko, and the twins are gone, Star and I collide into a hug.
"Ooh!" Star exclaims, pulling away to see my stomach. "You're about to pop!"

"Yep," I laugh, "one month away."
One month away...
Oh boy.

She hugs me again. "I'm so happy for you," she brushes some of my hair aside. "You've come so far..."
"We've, come so far," I take both her hands into mine, squeezing them as I stare at her face.

She smiles softly, thinking the same thoughts as I, before Mom and Dad come into the room and hug and kiss me.
"Look at you!" Mom gasps, "my baby girl is going to have a baby!"

I laugh, as Marko approaches me, wrapping his arm around my waist.
I couldn't have asked for a better partner to spend the rest of my life with.
To be the father of my children.

To be my husband until death do us part.
Marko and I got married just last year, and it was the best night of my entire life.

Mom and Dad wave us over to the dining table where an entire Christmas feast is displayed.
Mashed potatoes. Turkey. Everything you can think of.

Mom always out do's herself, but I absolutely love it.
I love having my family together.
This is how it's always meant to be.

I sit next to Star, and I hold her hand as we say grace.
When everyone's eyes are closed, I open mine, to look at my family.

They're all my family...
I glance at Star, remembering the little girl she used to be, and then remembering the woman she became living with the Lost Boys, and now I see her grown up, a mother of two, a wife, and a amazing person.

She overcame it all.
We overcame it all.

She feels my eyes on her, so she opens them, smirking at me a little.
I laugh softly.

All I ever wanted in life was to have my sister back.
I dreamed, prayed, and wished for her to come home.
Now, here she is.
And I'll never let her go ever again...

And so, I guess that's the end of my story.
The end of my journey of finding my sister.
But, a new journey begins.

One that is motherhood.
I'll be a mother in a month.
And I'll have Star right along beside me, helping me, as I help her with her two sons.

And I couldn't ask for anything better then that...


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