Ch. 27 *My Gift To You*❣️

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*7 months later*

Sweet 17 birthday!

I know it's properly called 'Sweet 16', but who the hell cares?!
This is a special May day!

I run/dance down the pathway of the boardwalk, jamming to some concert music playing in the background.
People stare at me funny as they walk past me, but who cares?
I'm 17...

I see Star ahead of me, and joy seizes my chest, making me run to her.

She looks at me, eyes widening and her smile brightening.
She runs and hugs me, squeezing extra tight then any other time.

"Happy birthday little sis!" She messes with my hair, and I laugh, flattening the mess she made.

"Thanks," I smile, before Star hands me a little white box that she must have hidden in her pocket.
"Here's one of my gifts to you," she blushes, "I hope you like it."

Anything from Star, I'll absolutely love to death.
I open it, only to see a gorgeous white beaded choker, with a little metal sea turtle in the middle.

I gasp, holding it up to sparkle in the boardwalk light.
"Oh my god I love this!" I hug her, "thank you!"

"Anything for my sister," she exhales, staring at me. "I can't believe you're 17 already. Where did the time go?"
I know what she means.
I found her in July last year, now it's May the next year.

I've already gone through one summer, one fall, one mild winter, and one spring in Santa Carla.
It's insane how fast time is flying.

Star sneaks her arm around mine, and we walk arm in arm down the boardwalk pathway.
I don't see any of the other guys here yet, did Star show up by herself?

Most likely not.
Reason I'm looking is because I want to see my boyfriend, Marko.
I blush thinking about him.

He's bound to have some plans up his sleeve for my birthday...
His surprises are always a treat.

"So how was your birthday?" Star asks, glancing down at me.
I smile. "It was great! Mom baked me a cake, and her and Dad got me a few presents. Stuff for fashion design mostly," I grin, "but after dinner, I decided to come see you."

She chuckles softly, before nodding towards the ice cream booth. "Another one of my gifts tonight. Go pick out an ice cream."
Oh hell yeah!
"Thanks!" I run forward to the booth, picking out chocolate and vanilla.

A double scoop, but hey, it's my birthday!
Star giggles softly watching me.
I come back to her, licking my ice cream like an excited five year old.

She laughs again. "You need a napkin?"
I shake my head. "Nope," I lick my fingers sticky with ice cream. "I think I can manage."
Star rolls her eyes but it's in a playful way.

I finish my ice cream within minutes, and after that, we go one some rides.
Twenty minutes pass, and Star needs to go.
"I promised David I'd be back before 10:00," she says.

I roll my eyes.
Still has a hand in her curfew.

I expect her to wave goodbye, but for some reason she stands there completely still, pinching the tip of her fingers.
I furrow my brow. "Star?"

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