Chapter 2

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Recap: After a Faithful Battle That Ended in Izuku's Favor,Our Hero Has Entered and Allied with the Astral Express as they set off on their First Journey to A Planet Called Jarilo-VI.

Izuku Sits with Himeko As He Felt the Express Picking up speed, Himeko Watches with Izuku as March was Standing still, Telling herself she won't fall.

"3...2...1...! AND BLAST OFF!!"

The Express Leaves The space station behind them as The Train Launches As if they were in Star wars.

Izuku felt like he was Being blown away by his Own Smashes but it ended too Quickly as Izuku and Stelle Looked at the Planet Before them through the window.

"What happened to this planet...?" Izuku said as he saw the Snow that has Overtaken almost All of it.

"After all those Millennia...Is this what Jarilo-VI Has Become?" Himeko said with worry and Disbelief.

"Spatial Readout Anomaly, Star rail stability down to 12%" Pom pom said as Izuku Looked at him with curiosity. "Schedule Alteration: Seven-day stopover time Extended Indefinitely"

"So this is Jarilo-VI...It' dead...And cold..." Izuku Touched the Window as He Felt the Cold Air of the Planet, It sent Chills down his spine as He saw the Planet.

"What Anomaly does pom pom mean Ms.Himeko?" Stelle asked The Scientist as she put her hand on her chin.

"The Complex Locality of this world has been...Affected somehow, The Star rail has been completely blocked off by something..." Himeko said as she Looked at the Planet.

"So Basically We're like a Blocked off trail with a hole in our Tracks" Izuku Replied to her.

"If we try to force our way,, There's a Gonna Be a Hefty Price to pay" Pom pom said.

"This Again? Don't tell me...It's Gotta Be..." March 7th said.

"The Results for the Preliminary Analysis Are Here - The Anomaly Stems from a Stellaron, As Always" Welt Came Back from the Other Car Compartment.

"Just Like her?" Izuku asked as He Looked at Stelle.

"Well, this isn't the First Time a Stellaron got in our way" Himeko Said as she Smiled at Izuku "Stellarons are A Clouded Mystery - even Herta isn't able to Fully understand them But at least we know how to neutralize them

"Our Current Theory is that Stellarons are seeds of Disaster planted by a Certain Aeon throughout the Universe, We can't Continue to Trailblaze without removing the Source of the Disaster" Himeko said, Finishing her Statement.

"So We're Like Heroes from Across the Universe! That's Awesome! I always Wanted to go to space and Be a Hero at the Same time!" Izuku said In Excitement As Welt Smiled at His enthusiasm.

"right? You can't Get an Opportunity Like this, Pretty Cool huh?" March said as Stelle Nodded, agreeing with her Statement.

"I'd Like to Entrust this Trailblazing Expedition to March, Dan Heng and Stelle" Himeko said as Izuku Was Left Stunned that he wasn't Mentioned.

"The Mission is simple, Find the Stellaron That's Been Causing the Disaster and bring it here, Me and Welt Will deal with the Rest" Himeko Reminded as Stelle and March High fived to Eachother.

"What about me?" Izuku asked her.

"Someone Has to Stay in The Train or Pom pom will get Lonely" Himeko said as Izuku forgot He was still a Kid to them...

"Not to Mention, Nanook Threw a Glance at Us Just now, If we're targeted by the Anti matter Legion then Things might go south Fast" Himeko said as She Looked at Stelle.

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