Side Quest

555 15 2

Two sides of the Same Coin.
Yet they Still Fight Over the Same Boy.

Seele and Bronya Were Arguing Again about something, Izuku Was Taking a Stroll Around Boulder Town and Stumbled Upon Them.

The Hot Head and The Princess Both Marched towards Izuku and Both of them Went close to his Face.

"Who's Better?! Me Or Her?!" They Both Asked him, Making Izuku Completely Lost and Scared.

"W-what Do you both mean?!" Izuku asked Frantically.

"Who's More Useful in Better, Me Or Little Miss Princess over here" Seele Said as she Points her thumb At Bronya while Eyeing Izuku, Making Bronya Look a little offended.

"I'll Have you Know, I earned My Place as Commander of the Silvermane Guards, I'm Not Some Helpless Pampered Princess" Bronya Said as she Crossed Her Arms and Looked away.

"Yeah, We'll Decided That from Him" Seele Said Before Turning back to Izuku but Then, She Took her eyes off him for One Second, He already Pulled out a Notebook of All of their Abilities and Combat Improvement Notes.

"Both of You are Amazing In your Own Rights, Seele is Great For Mowing Down and Handling Enemies One at a Time While Dominating the Battlefield With Her Scythe, And She's able to Cloak Herself and Teleport! That's Amazing As She Is In Base!" Izuku said, Being the Geeky Boy he is as Seele Smirked With Pride from his Praise and Analysis.

"But then Again, I said One at a Time, Seele is Reckless and Lets her Emotions Get the Better of her For Before she could Even Act. She's got a Short Temper, sure, but Seele is still Amazing"

"Bronya is Not someone to Underestimate Either, She's a Skilled Marksman Regardless and A Really Great Coordinator, Her Leadership Skills are Not To Be Taken Lightly. She even Boosts Her Allies With Wind Blessings! THAT'S AWESOME!!"

Bronya Was Blushing From All his Praises, Both her pride as a Person and a Commander Really Touched her.

"But She still Needs someone to Defend her because Bronya May Be A Great Fighter on her own, She can Be Outnumbered if Left Alone. Don't get me Wrong I'm not Saying You're Weak But You Have to Admit You can't Fight Alone" Izuku said As Bronya Slouches in Defeat...

"Well, That's a Tie..." Bronya Said.

"How about Sparring with me?" Izuku suggested, Surprising Both of them.

"What? You're kidding, right?" Seele asked.

"Nope, 2 On 1, Give it everything you both got, I won't tolerate Half assed Potential" Izuku Got Inside His Stance Before Shooting a Air Force Bullet at Bronya before Seele Slices it Away.


"Oops...Sorry" Izuku Said Sheepishly.

"Let's Go To Rivet town again? It's Filled with Monsters but they Make Great Training Dummies" Seele Said As They both Nodded.

"Are you Really Going to Spar with Such Weaklings? As far as I'm Concerned, You'll Always Win" The Finality Said to Izuku as she Flies around Him.

'It's not About Accomplishment, It's about Improvement'

'They Wanna Get Stronger, I wanna Help that Grow'

"Then How about We Join you Guys?" The Hero, The Princess and the Hot Head Turned to See the Other Nameless Coming out of the Shadows.

"Min'na! But Why are you Here?" Izuku asked.

"We Stumbled Upon you guys talking about Training In Rivet town, I suggest We Do as well since We'll Be Up against Svarog" Dan Heng Said as He Crossed his Arms.

"We Use as a Team, How can We Lose? We Even Have a Guy who can Destroy mountains With a punch! Did you even See what he did to that Giant Fat Robot?!" March 7th said with Excitement.

"We All Saw March" Dan heng said.

Stelle walked forward to Izuku and Smiled.

"can you Let us Join your Training Session?" Stelle asked him, Izuku Replied with a Nod.

"Alright! Let's get to Training!"


[It's a Long Journey Ahead of them, But Only the Stars Will Shine For our Heroes as We Can Only Watch Over them]

[Godspeed Everyone and REACH FOR THE STARA!!]

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