Chapter 5

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After Making More Supplies for Both Natasha And Clara, Our Heroes Venture Back to Boulder town to Meet up with Natasha.

"Nat! We're Back" Over By the distance, Natasha Sees Izuku, Bronya and Seele who was Happily Waving at her Mother figure and Friend.

"Heh, That's Our Seele, Nothing if Not Punctual. So, Did you Find Any Usable Supplies?" Natasha Asked Them As Izuku Stepped Up.

"We Found More than Enough, We Even Found More in Some of the Houses" Izuku Lied to her, Seele and Bronya Sweating a Bit As They Did a Side Eye.

"Oh this will be a Great Help, Thanks a Lot You guys" Natasha Said with a Warm Smile Beaming On Her Face. Natasha Inspected Everything She needed and There were a Few Extras That she Also Never Thought she could find.

"Oh My, Where did you find these?" Natasha asked them, As the Three Broke a sweat as they Didn't wanna answer the question. 

"We Also Stumbled Upon Clara too, She Also Had the Same Goal as Us" Izuku Said, Changing the Subject, Natasha was also Surprised to hear this.

"Well, If she was there too then…I understand. She wants to look after the Injured Vagrants, Right? Clara's Always been a Kind-hearted Girl…" Natasha Said, Remembering All the Times she's seen Clara Do Selfless acts for People around her.

"Even the smallest act of Kindness could Make a Big Difference in the world" Izuku said as he took off his Mask.

"Anyway, This should Help a lot with the Detailed Dosage Plan, Thanks Again You Three" Natasha Said.

"I would Like to thank you for Everything, I Finally did something to return the favor to you Taking care of my Friends…We were strangers yet you Didn't hesitate to Help us…" Izuku said, Making the Doctor Blush A Bright Red Color.

"Your words are too Generous, Thank you" Natasha Giggled with a Smile, She Seems to have taken a Liking to Izuku's Kind Nature.

"I Assume you Three Have More Important Things to Be Getting on with, Right? Oleg will be Waiting, Not to Mention Your Three Companions" Natasha said.

"Did they Pass By Here?" Izuku asked.

"yup, Right Before you Guys came, They're over there by the Alley" Natasha Pointed out the Location.

"I forgot to say anything to them…I hope they weren't mad" Izuku said With Guilt.

"I'm sure they won't mind, They seemed to be In Good Spirits" Natasha Replied. 

"I bet Old Oleg wants to talk about Svarog. We should get Going — Sorry Nat, We'll Have to Leave the wounded to you" Seele said, Feeling Sorry for Leaving Natasha with all the Work.

"No Worries, I Hope Things go Smoothly" Natasha Replied.

The Trio Walked off To where Oleg and the Trailblazers were as March Saw them First before the Others.

"Hey! They're Finally Back" March 7th said with a Relieved Expression. 

"Sorry for disappearing on you all like that, Me and Bronya were…" Izuku looked at Bronya Who Looked back at him. They both Blushed and Looked away from Eachother. 

"Ha! That's Nothing — The Unannounced Disappearance Record Holder is Right here" March said as she Eyed at Dan Heng.

"And that's Something to be Proud of?" He Said Nonchalantly.

"Haha, It's good to Have Everyone Back together. Let me get straight to the Point" Oleg said with a smile.

"Regarding This "Stellaron" And Your Predicament in the Overworld. Your friends have gone over Both with me again" 

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