Chapter 3

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Recap: After Becoming a Nameless and Sneaking out to only find his friends in Danger, Izuku was cornered and was forced to explain his whole situation.

"So you're some Guy from Another Universe In Which You believe is the Original, Destroyed the Very being that was Killing your World and It merged with you, Got Into some tree, Get sucked inside that very tree that could've killed you but you survived and you ended up with them and Now You came to this Planet With No Idea on What's going on?!" Seele recapped Everything Izuku said in a Single Go, Making Izuku nod.

"My New Life in a Nutshell" Izuku Said Bluntly.

"Ugh, I don't even wanna Get started on Why You brought this Girl Here, Just Don't Bother Me!" Seele storms out of the Clinic as Izuku looks at His unconscious Friends.

"You did well Protecting your friends in that overwhelming Fight, You should get Plenty of rest" A Woman who looked Similar to Raven said as She walked towards Izuku with a Smile. "Oleg filled me in On the Situation You had and You're Free to Rest here Whenever you need to"

"Oh uhh…Thank you…I'm Izuku Midoriya, As you might've Heard" Izuku Introduced himself, Firmly Nervous from Meeting Another Natasha who had such a warm Personality And Atmosphere To Her.

"I'm Natasha and I'm the Doctor of this Clinic, It's a Pleasure to Meet you" Natasha said As she Gave him a Kind smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, But to be honest, it's quite amazing how you're Helping all of these Patients" Izuku Said, Looking around her clinic to see the All the Patients under Natasha's Care.

"Thank you, But I don't deserve such praise" Natasha Blushes Shyly as she Brushes it off as a Kind Gesture.

"Well, I should get back to Work, You can Explore the Underground as you like. If you have any Questions you can come to me Or Oleg" Natasha Said as She Kindly Smiled at Izuku.

"Alright, I'll Leave my friends in your Care" Izuku bowed to her before Going to the Door and exiting…

Natasha Felt a Sudden Fuzziness When she talks to him…like she's Had such fun talks with him before…

"Where have I met him before…?"

Izuku sees the City Of Boulder town, He Was Amazed By How They were able to Build a Civilization Under the Planet, He Walks around the Streets as People Glanced at him, Mostly because he was Wearing a rather Uniquely Designed Suit.

"The People Must not Get Much Visitors Lately" Izuku Said to himself, A bit concerned with the people looking at him.

Well, it's a little his Fault that His Outfits stands out, He's Got a Huge Scarf as a Cape.

Izuku Smiles and Waves at the Citizens as they Returned the Favor by smiling as well, giving him Small waves. He Also Notices Some Glowing Stones All around the Town as far as His Eyes can see, he was About to inspect them until-

"Hey You! Yes you in the Cool Bunny outfit!" A Voice calls to Deku as He Sees a Group of Children running up to him.

"We Haven't Seen a Face Like Yours Before, What's Your Name?" The Young Blonde Girl said as She Asserted Herself to Izuku, With her Hands On her Hips.

"O-oh, well I'm a Visitor…I'm Izuku Midoriya, But My Hero Name is Deku, since it's Easier to remember…"

"Hmm…Deku…Alright, I'll remember It! My Name Is Pitch-Dark Hook! I'm the Leader of the Moles" Hook Said With Confidence As She Strikes A Dramatic pose.

"Then It's Nice to Meet you Hook" He Gave Her a Smile "Say, Could you Tell me Where I can Find Sampo?" He Asked.

"Well, if you wanna Look for Him, He Should be By the Fight Club, I don't know why People don't know places" Hook Said as she sighs in disappointment. 

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