Chapter 6

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Recap: After A Close Battle Against Svarog and His Minions, Our Heroes Have Finally Defeated the Calculation Bias Freak but Young Clara Stepped Up to Protect Her Only Family Left.

Svarog Knelt Down on One Knee, His Circuits Fried and His Body Releasing Smoke due to Overheating his systems. He lost, That was what His Analysis Told Him.

Natasha, With a Heavy Heart and Her Weapon at Hand, Charged Up her Blast and Aimed at the Mechanical Android.

"Wait... Wait!" Clara Pleaded as she Ran to Svarog and Stood Infront of Him While Izuku Used Black whip to Take away Natasha's Grenade Launcher from her hand.

"Please don't Hurt Mr Svarog!" Clara, with her Hands opened Sideways and Her Breath Winded from the running, She Looks at them with a Determined Face, She was willing to Protect her Only Family, she cried a Little but she had to stay strong.

"C-clara?...You..." Natasha, Speechless with the Child's Sudden Act, Stares at her Dumbfounded. 

"Mr. Svarog Can't fight anymore! Please...Please don't hurt him!" Clara Pleaded to her, she was Scared of Facing Adults but She knew in her Heart that if she didn't act now, She would Lose him.

Natasha felt a Hand on her Shoulder, She Turned behind to see Izuku placing it on her as He Shook his Hand Sideways "That's Enough, Natasha"

Izuku walked Over to Clara as he stood by her side. He turned to his Friends and then he Looked at Svarog.

"We achieved what we came here to do, Destroying Svarog Now will Worsen our Situation Especially with the Stellaron still on the Loose. We Need Svarog" Izuku said as He pats Clara's Head.

"Sorry Clara-chan, We Had to do what we Had to do" Izuku Said in a Sad tone, He really Didn't want this Kind of Outcome to Happen but he knew damn well this Robot Will Not Listen to Any shit that comes out of His Mouth.

"Cla...ra..." Svarog Said With his Shaky and Glitching Voice Box Almost Crushed.

Clara turned to Him "Mr. Svarog, Don't push yourself any Further. can you tell them what you know?" 

"..." He Said Nothing. All he could do was look down In shame.

"Mr Svarog, You said you were Willing to make all my Wishes come true, Right? My Biggest Wish right now is For Everyone to Work together Like... Like Family" Clara said, Svarog Could tell She was Holding back her tears for him...He couldn't bear to see her Sad. "Recently, I learned something new... Calculation results can't always bring People Happiness, Even if the World outside the Cage isn't Beautiful...People Still want to know what it's like"

Svarog Processed her Words Carefully...His Servers still In stable condition to Fulfill her request.

"Assessment system reset...Successful. Processing Variables..."

"Variable 1: Clara's request...Variable 2: Outsider's Intentions"

"...Updated Assessment result; Transference of Decision-making authority to Outsiders. Outsiders are Granted Access To Stellaron Knowledge"

Izuku Goes up to Svarog and Uses Blackwhip to Help him get up from the ground.

"Did we win?" March asked with an Uncertain Tone.

"No...It doesn't feel like one" Stelle Replied to Her, Shaking Her Head. "The Cost was too Great"

"Clara seems like the only one who can break through Svarog's Cold Logic. It's a good thing she was Here" Dan heng said with his Arms Crossed, Keeping his Reserved Personality unwavered. "I hope his Memory bank really does contain Data on the Stellaron"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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