'*•.¸♡ Prolouge ♡¸.•*'

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"Jinnie, you should help the poor kid!" Jisung screamed at Hyunjin.

On the other hand, Minho was also screaming at the dancer to not help the poor kid who fell down.

In the end, after a long dilemma, Hyunjin chose not to help the poor kid.

"That's another win for me, Han." Minho declared happily while Jisung pouted.

"Come on, give me a chance Min!" Jisung plead, "Hyunjin is too used to evil because of you!"

"Sorry Jisung! It's my job!" Minho laughed while patting Jisung's head. Even though angels and demons were supposed to be enemies, Minho and Jisung were quite close. They try not to act very close around others, but alone, they enjoy each others company.

Both of them were in charge of Hyunjin's daily decision, whether he makes good or bad choices. Minho, as a demon, he tries to tempt Hyunjin into making the wrong choices. While Jisung, the angel, tries to make sure that Hyunjin makes the right choices.

"Let's follow Hyunjin!" Minho said as he grabbed Jisung's hand and flew towards Hyunjin's house. Jisung started to blush a little, his cheeks turning pink.

"Leeknow - hyung, you don't have to hold my hands." Jisung spoke as he tried to let go of Minho's hand, but the older seems quite insistent on holding Jisung's hand.

In Hyunjin's bedroom, the blonde haired was lying down on his bed, looking through his phone when he saw Minho and Jisung fly through his walls.

"You guys know that I can see you right? No need to scream in my ears about that child incident." Hyunjin grumbled as he put down his phone to look at them.

For some reason, Hyunjin had the ability to see his angel and demon. At first, he though he was insane. After all, they were flying and had wings on their back. Also, nobody said anything when they were casually behind Hyunjin.

He started to just accept it, and think maybe he was just seeing things. However, when he first heard Minho and Jisung arguing about something, right behind him, he blew up.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Can both of you be quiet! I can't even finish my homework!" Hyunjin turned around and shouted at them in his room.

"Wait what?" Leeknow said as they both became silent while they tried to defuse the situation. "Was he talking about us?" Leeknow asked the rapper. Jisung just shrugged his shoulders.

"Who else would I be talking about?" Hyunjin pointed at them. 

"You can see us?" Han poked into the conversation, flying closer to Hyunjin. "Can you feel me touching you?"

Jisung started to pat the dancer's shoulder and Hyunjin retorted, "Stop hitting me, I can feel it."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Sorry Hyunjin!" Minho replied while Jisung just looked away. Sometimes Hyunjin wonders if Minho is supposed to be an angel while Jisung is a demon. Minho is sometimes nicer to Hyunjin than Jisung is.

But the thing that troubles Hyunjin the most is how intimate they were. Leeknow casually flirting with Jisung and the youngest just blushing. Sometimes, he feels like he is third-wheeling. Not that he could help it.

Hyunjin turned around and started his homework, while Minho and Han were sitting on Hyunjin's bed.

"There was a book I read about angels that said that if an angel said 'I love you' to a demon, the demon will become nicer!" Leeknow said to Han.

"Oh really?" Jisung was suspicious of Minho.

"Yes, just say 'I love you Minho'!" Minho looked at Jisung.

"No! I won't say it!" Jisung got off the bed and flew to another corner in Hyunjin's room. He was staring at the walls, where his red - face couldn't be seen by Hyunjin or Leeknow.

'Get together already!' Hyunjin thought while doing his homework. This was probably the worst part, when they are flirting while he was trying to finish his homework. He was on the last question.

"I'm finally finished!" Hyunjin stretched and cheered happily. He moved his laptop over and turned it on, putting on his headphones as well. 

He setup his v-live stream and started reading the comments, smiling. He usually does chatting streams or he shows his new dances. 

"Do you think I should confess to my crush?" Hyunjin read out.

The blonde haired thought about it for a moment, before saying, "nayeoniee19, you probably should especially if you know them well, instead of dancing around each other. Who knows, both of you might like each other!" Hyunjin thought back to his current situation.

One person in the chat started asking if he had experience with this, since he was quite specific and so were his facial expressions. Suddenly, the chat started to be filled with questions.

Hyunjin quickly answered, "I guess I have two friends that are dancing around each other. Sometimes I wish they would just get together already." And continued reading the rest of the chats.

In the background, Minho and Jisung were just thinking, 'Really? Hyunjin has such a friend?'


words: 807

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