'*•.¸♡ five ♡¸.•*'

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Hyunjin slides the bow across the D strong, the 3rd string of the violin, followed by the A string, creating a beautiful sound in the air. He was playing songs in the school garden, at the top of the school building. There was a nice gentle breeze flowing into his face, his fringe flipping up into the air. The cold air made it really nice to play the violin, not feeling too hot, with some shade from the nearby tree.

Below where he was standing, was a bunch of students, rushing to their next class or going for their lunch break. The thin ground between him and the bottom floor made it so that the students on the lower floors could hear him pretty well. He was playing pretty well, pleasing the ears of the students.

"Hyunjin, could you play Darude Sandstorm?" Minho said, searching up for the sheets on the dancer's phone and showing it to Hyunjin by shoving it up his face. Hyunjin, who was concentrating on making sure his fingering were correct, stumbles backward, not expecting the sudden phone in his face.

"Minho! I was near the end!" Hyunjin groans and shoves the phone back to the demon, wanting to continue the song. He was finally living his Y/N dreams, playing the violin on the school rooftop with is hair somewhat flowing into the air.

"Come on Hyunie!" Leeknow started to use his demon compulsion to get Hyunjin to play the music. He knew Hyunjin was still somewhat a beginner at violin, so playing a fast speed song is slightly challenging for him. Due to the compulsion, Hyunjin was about to put away the current song to play Darude Sandstorm before Han stepped in.

"Leeknow, don't you dare hurt everyone's ears by playing that horrible thing that can't even be called music!" Han protected Hyunjin from Leeknow's compulsion, allowing Hyunjin to make a decision from his own choice.

"Come on, it would be funny!" Minho insisted for Hyunjin to play the music.

Jisung reached foward to take the phone from Minho's hand, which was hanging infront of the blonde-haired. Before he could reach it, Minho retracted his hand, keeping the phone close to him.

"Nuh uh, Han. If you want the phone, you better come get it." Leeknow waved his hand with the phone away from Jisung.

"Wait-" Hyunjin tried to cut in. They are not going to be chasing each other with his phone on the line. With the height they are going to be flying, his phone will suffer from pretty heavy damage if it falls. Judging from how much he knows them, they will definitely drop his phone.

"You're on!" Jisung stretches his hand, reaching forward to try and get the phone early. Leeknow notes Jisung's gesture as he is ready and started to fly. Jisung quickly started flying after him, not far behind the brunette.

Looking up into the skies and seeing those two idiots risking his phone's life, Hyunjin started to play a sad and anxiety inducing piece, expressing his current train of thoughts and feelings. While he was playing, he made sure to still keep an eye on them, praying for his phone.

The piece started out slow, and somewhat calm, with a bit of a fast part here and there. Minho was flying upwards, trying to make a distance between himself and the younger. Han is not letting Minho get the opportunity to do that, flying at a fast speed to close up the distance.

Jisung started flying faster than before, his arms stretched forward to try and grab onto Minho. The distance was getting closer, as Minho nearly reaches the limit before they will be teleported back to Hyunjin. And if they get teleported to the blonde-haired, Hyunjin is definitely going to make it Game Over for them. Hyunjin is the biggest boss here.

Leeknow slowed down, quickly waving his hands above his head while Jisung's hands were still reaching forward. The raven-haired slowed his pace as he got closer, now with his hands up in the air. He placed his face close to Leeknow, to get even closer to the phone.

Han was so focused on the phone, he didn't realize he was so close to the older's face, his lips touching Minho's forehead.

Leeknow's brain short-circuited from that gentle and unintentional kiss on the forehead.

"Give me that phone, Leeknow!" Jisung snatches the phone, Minho didn't prevent it, still processing that unexpected kiss.

Minho's brain finally starts working again, looking at Jisung grinning with the phone in his hands. He was looking at the phone, closing that tab on Darude Sandstorm.

"Oh Hannie~" Leeknow said in a sing-song voice, like a serial killer out for blood. "Give me the phone back~"

Han's eyes widened as he immediately took off with the phone, half flying away because of Minho chasing him and the other because of his tinted pink cheeks from the use of the nickname. Now it's his turn to have a gay panic.

Since they were really high up, Han dived downwards, approaching the ground and the gigantic tree below. Before he hits the tree, he made a sharp turn towards his left, slightly rustling the leaves below.

Minho, not expecting that, flew straight into the tree. He quickly recovered from that mistake, flying back up to find where Han went. In that short time, Jisung had already put a gap between them, giving him some headroom if Minho chased him again.

Leeknow kept quiet, trying to stealthy fly towards Jisung. He recovered slightly faster than the younger's expectations. When Jisung turned his head towards the left to look at how far behind Minho was, he found him closer than he wanted him to be.

And so, with miscalculation from both sides, Leeknow crashed straight into Jisung, the phone being shaken off from Jisung's hand from the impact.

"MY PHONE!" Hyunjin quickly placed his violin and bow onto the bench beside him and ran towards his phone. At the last moment, he jumped forward and reached his hands outward, saving his phone from the fall. Although, he's not too sure he could say the same for his hands and body.

Hyunjin slowly sits upwards, rubbing the little bits of dust from his elbow, cradling his poor phone who had to go through all that. "My poor phone.." Hyunjin cooed at his phone.

Meanwhile, Minho was literally hugging Jisung, his face on Jisung's shoulder, and his legs intertwined with the youngers. They stumbled slightly backwards, the rapper now being shocked.

"Uhh, hyung?" Jisung awkwardly waved his hands around, not knowing where to put them. He tries to keep his legs as still as possible, not wanting to make the first move. Although it was unexpected, it feels pretty nice to have Minho hugging him. Even if he'd never actually admit that out loud. The horns on the brunette's head was slightly digging into his ears though.

Leeknow didn't respond, wanting to keep this hug a little longer. He finally pulled away, keeping one of his hands on Han's shoulder.

Jisung's face was completely red, and he blames the sun.

Hyunjin's shooting death stares at both his angel and demon for putting his phone at such great risk, preparing to make them do work after school.


words: 1188

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