'*•.¸♡ eight ♡¸.•*'

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"Gunpowder, check." Hyunjin looks through the pile of items in front of him as he prepares to celebrate the new year.

In a few minutes, according to his phone, it will be 12am, marking the start of a brand new year. What's better to celebrate the new year than setting off some fireworks?

He's done this before, a few times with his friends and family for the previous new year or the 4th of July. This time though, he will be doing it alone, without any parent supervision.

"Come on Hyunjin, you're soo slow. It's going to be midnight soon." Jisung yawns as he watched the blonde trying to fit all the bits and pieces to make his own firework. This is taking Hyunjin so long to make one, he will probably fall asleep before Hyunjin is done.

"Why not you help out, Han?" Hyunjin said, tired of listening to Han hurrying him but being useless in the air. The rapper held out his hand and places his index finger and thumb together, hovering it over his mouth. He slides his hand from the right to the left, showing that he has zipped his mouth shut. There was nothing he could do to help Hyunjin.

After finally understanding how to use this firework shell thing Hyunjin bought from amazon, the dancer started to shove a little gunpowder in, just for a little test. he closed up the lid of the shell and lit the fuse with a matchstick he prepared earlier. The moment the matchstick touches the fuse, Hyunjin ran backward, closer to the house as he watched the fuse burn out and the firework flies. The firework exploded into the sky with a bright yellow color, sparking off into many different directions as it lights up the night sky.

The firework didn't travel very high though, nor was the explosion large. This was where Hyunjin wanted a little "experiment."

Hyunjin shoved varying amounts of gunpowder in each shell, placing them onto the grounds in nice, neat rows like gnomes in a garden. He had all of them hooked up to a single fuse, probably not a good idea either. As he reaches the last firework, he still had a decent amount of gunpowder left. 

"Put everything into the last firework." Leeknow hopped onto the opportunity, the fun of creating a crazy, giant firework as the last firework to celebrate the new year.

The amount of gunpowder was much more than recommended though, and definitely wasn't safe. But Leeknow is here to have fun, and fun comes with a little rule breaking and going against the recommendation.

Jisung was still a little sleepy, tired of arguing with Hyunjin earlier. Hyunjin has some fireworks ready to use that were made by reliable manufactures, and he was doing it setting off fireworks without parent supervision. Nevermind he is 19 turning 20, regardless, Han is still highly against the idea of making your own fireworks.

Hyunjin happily shoves the gunpowder unto the firework, using up every last powder in the container. 

Han's senses are tingling, Hyunjin is doing something again

He finally becomes aware of the current situation and what the dancer is about to do.

"Hyunjin! Don't overdo the gunpowder!" Jisung tries to warn and be the goody-two-shoes angel in this situation, but Hyunjin doesn't care. With nearly 10 seconds left before midnight, Hyunjin rubs the head of the matchstick against the tiny box, the head lighting a small fire. He gently touched the head of the lit matchstick to the fuse, before shaking the matchstick to extinguish the fire and running to safety.

The firework all worked, sort of. The ones that were about the recommended amount of gunpowder worked fine, decorating the skies with yellow sparks together with other fireworks from his neighbors. The firework that screamed "bad idea" didn't work so well.

The firework lifted off, not as high as expected and dimmer than the others. Maybe he was imagining it, but it seemed like some powder rained down from the sky, before exploding again, creating consecutive sparks and noise that were a little too low for safety. 

A bit of the gunpowder leaked onto the grass, most likely because it wasn't meant to hold that much gun powder. It burst out into flames, the spark exploding on the ground as the firework shells flew into the sky. A few sparks caught the nearby wooden table, creating a little dark burn on the table.

Everything looked fine for a moment, before the fire starts on the table and grows larger, consuming the ground as well.

"HELP!!" Hyunjin screams as his backyard burns. It was just a small fire, contained to the table and the ground, but fire is still a little scary.

Minho laughed at the fire, at Hyunjin who put that much gunpowder into that firework. He watched as Hyunjin's backyard continues to stay lighted by the fire.

"Hyunjin..." Jisung didn't know if he should laugh, cry, or to face palm himself. He guessed something like this would happen, one of these days Hyunjin wouldn't be so lucky.

Hyunjin took out his fire extinguisher which he didn't think he would actually have to use. He pulled the pin from the head of the extinguisher and aims it at his table. With a hard squeeze, the gas inside sprays out, covering the table. Hyunjin shakes it side to side, trying to put out the fire on his table.

Jisung decides, it is definitely funny watching  Hyunjin panic and shaking that extinguisher, praying the fire would go away. The more he watches Hyunjin hug the extinguisher, his urge to laugh increases.

Finally, watching Hyunjin stumble backward while trying to keep a safe distance made him fall over in laughter. The dancer looked so ridiculous trying to put out the fire.

Leeknow saw Han laughing out at Hyunjin's pain and flew over to Han. The entire time, Hyunjin's two little idiots weren't helping, laughing away at his pain.

The table was gone, too charred to be used, but at least his backyard is saved. Hyunjin places the giant red can on the ground, his arms exhausted from lifting and aiming it.

"You IDIOTS!" Hyunjin rushes at them with the now half-filled extinguisher. Han noticed in time, Minho still laughing and can't even open his eyes, and pulled Minho's hand into the sky.

"That's not fair." Hyunjin grumbles as he watches them fly, not even letting him have a little payback at Leeknow.

"I'm done here." Hyunjin takes another look at his backyard before deciding to fix up the problems tomorrow. He is too exhausted mentally and physically for this.

"Happy New Year." Hyunjin grumbles as he slams his backdoor shut, ready to get some shut eye.

"Happy New Year, Jisung!" Leeknow grabs the rapper's hand, now flying so that Jisung isn't lifting him up anymore.

Leeknow looked at Han, who was calming himself down from all the laughter.

It is definitely going to be an exciting year, another year with Han and Hyunjin. Really, he can't imagine a life without Han and Hyunjin, (especially Han.)

Minho looked forward, the direction of the sky Jisung was looking at. 

Another firework exploded in the distance, the bright pink and yellow light shines in the air.

"Happy New Year, Minho!" Jisung says fondly, holding onto the dancer's hand as they both stare at the fireworks.

words: 1200

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