'*•.¸♡ three ♡¸.•*'

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"Leeknow! Stop creating chaos!" Hyunjin shouted at Leeknow while the brunette was floating right beside Hyunjin in the washroom.

Jisung had to return to heaven today for a short meeting, leaving Hyunjin with Minho alone. Leaving a human with only their guardian demon wasn't recommended, but Han didn't have a choice. It was an important meeting that apparently took place during the day.

"But I'm bored.. I miss Hannie already." Minho says, imagining Han right beside him right now, laughing at him. Hyunjin really hopes no one walks into the washroom right now, if not they would probably think he is crazy, screaming at air.

"Jisung will come back soon, stop causing problems for me!" Hyunjin shouted at Minho, rubbing his head from the impending headache from dealing with Minho. "I have to hurry back to class before people wonder why I'm taking so long to go to the toilet."

Hyunjin turned around and walked out of the washroom, with Leeknow floating beside him, looking around the area for something fun to entertain himself. The dancer wishes for Jisung to return soon. He is going to scream at Han so loudly for his suffering and having to deal with Minho's bordem.

"Hey Hyunjin! We finished planning the general idea of the project! Maybe would you like to look through?" Jeongin waved the papers at Hyunjin as the blonde haired walked closer to the group.

Hyunjin took the papers and read through some of the points noted as well as the simple diagrams Jeongin had drawn as examples. It was written to the point and was somewhat detailed for a rough plan. However, his drawings are another story. While it wasn't the worst drawing he had ever seen, it isn't the best. The lines were quite wobbly and it looks really uneven. However, this isn't an art class and they will definitely not be judged by the youngers drawing, so he should probably just leave them alone. Hyunjin can't say that Jeongin's drawings are bad while his dongsaengs eyes are shining while looking at the older.

Minho saw an opportunity to create some chaos and went up to Hyunjin. While Minho didn't know Jeongin personally, he can tell the raven-haired is a really nice person that is good friends with Hyunjin. To some extent, he feels bad for doing this. However, he is a demon and these things are common. "Say that his drawing is bad, and that he should probably remove them."

Hyunjin was going to say that he doesn't want to do such a thing to Jeongin, until he realized it wasn't just a friendly chat. It was a demon's suggestion. Without Jisung around, there isn't a counteract against Leeknow's suggestion.

"Jeongin, your drawing is quite bad. Can you redo it?" Hyunjin said in a slightly cold tone, shoving the papers back to Jeongin. The poor boy looked devastated, hearing that from his hyung and just sadly took the papers off Hyunjin's hands and faced towards the floor.

"Hey! That was a little rude don't you think." Seungmin pointed out, finally joining the conversation.

"It's fine Minnie, I'll just redraw them." Jeongin said, his eyes seems to be covered by a thin film of water. He quickly put the papers on the table and started to erase the previous drawings.

"Hyunjin!" Seungmin got up from his seat and stood in front of Hyunjin. If looks could kill, Hyunjin would be 6ft under by now. "You didn't even contribute that much to this group project since you were hiding in the washroom."

"I wasn't hiding in the washroom!" Hyunjin got heated up and his hands were shaking with anger. Seungmin riles him up every time, always having something to say about him.

"Stop you idiots!" Jeongin shouted out and stared at both of them. It felt like Jeongin's eyes were staring through the two boys, making them feel guilty for arguing.

"Fine!" Seungmin reluctantly returns back to his seat and watches as Jeongin redraws the old diagrams, this time with a bit more detail and with smoother looking lines.

"That was amazing!" Minho wheezed as he sees Jeongin's sad face and Hyunjin's displeasure at saying such a thing to the younger.

Hyunjin is really sick of not having a guardian angel around. WHERE IS HAN?


words: 699

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