'*•.¸♡ one ♡¸.•*'

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"You know you can lean on me right? I'm a pretty warm demon." Minho steps close to Han while Han was rubbing his arms.

"It's fine, hyung." Jisung continued to rub his forearm gently to create a bit of heat while following Hyunjin.

Hyunjin is just collecting some dry sticks in the forest, trying to set up a campfire before it gets too dark. The day was already approaching it's end.

So, how did Hyunjin end up in the forest? Well, let's start from the beginning of the adventure.

The school held a small field trip to the forest so that students can observe nature. While Hyunjin wasn't too interested in the field trip, Jeongin was, and there was no way Hyunjin was going to leave his baby bread all alone on the trip. So, he ended up tagging along.

The day before the trip, Jeongin was really excited and spent nearly the entire night thinking about what to do tomorrow. Hyunjin listened along to the singer, adding a few suggestions here and there (especially when it came to being prepared) and told Jeongin to go to sleep.  It took a few tries before Jeongin finally decided to go to bed.

When the call finally ended, Hyunjin decided to head to bed. Surprisingly, even his angel and demon needs sleep. Leeknow and Han were floating at the side of his bed, nearly touching each other. Hyunjin swore he saw Jisung's head leaned slightly against Minho's arm, showing a pleasant expression.

Hyunjin laid down in his bed, making sure not to crash into them by accident.

The next morning, Hyunjin's alarm woke him up. It was time for the field trip. He quickly washed up and changed into a comfortable shirt and long pants.

Hyunjin had packed everything the day before, so he just picked up his backpack and left the house.

Hyunjin waited for Jeongin at the crossroads, where they would usually meet before going to school together. Hyunjin was no where near being late, but Jeongin was already waiting there staring at his watch.

"Hey Innie!" Hyunjin called out to Jeongin as he walked closer to him.

"Hyung! You ready for the trip?" Jeongin excitedly asked.

"I guess" Hyunjin replied, as they both walk towards the direction of the school.

From school, they had arranged some bus to transport students and teachers to the small forest.  Hyunjin and Jeongin sat together on the bus, Jeongin talking about what he would like to see later, and Hyunjin talked a bit about adventuring.

Everything was fine, students were broken up into smaller groups and was assigned a teacher to keep track of them. Hyunjin and Jeongin were following the teacher that was assigned to their group as they head into the forest, where they saw a few different types of trees and plants.

There was one plant that caught Jeongin's eyes as the leaves were partially red and was the only plant with a different color so far. Jeongin went closer to the plant, taking a few pictures of the plant while Hyunjin sat down at the trunk of the tree nearby. After a couple minutes he ended up dozing off.

Both of them were pretty distracted and time just passed by them.

Suddenly, Jisung pointed out. "Hyunjin, the others are gone!"

Hyunjin turned around to find the group of students and teacher missing, not a single chatting sound could be heard. He looked behind where the red plant was, and Jeongin was still busy looking at the plants nearby.

"Jeongin? I think we might have a problem." Hyunjin said nervously.

"What's the matter?" Jeongin turned around and stood up from his squatting position.

Hyunjins Guardians | minsungWhere stories live. Discover now