'*•.¸♡ seven ♡¸.•*'

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"What topic do you want to work on Hyunjin?" Jeongin questions as he flips to the page with all the topics available. There were a lot of topics to choose from. Available topics, such as compassion and diligence. They were supposed to show the topics through the video, through acting or other methods. 

Right now they still couldn't decide. They needed to choose a topic before the end of class and started jotting down some points. Jeongin and Changbin wanted to choose perseverance with the theme of working hard in their schoolwork, like a true nerd. Seungmin and Felix, on the other hand, wanted to do caring and bully someone as part of the project.

"Hyung, decide already!" Seungmin whined as he spins his pen on the table. Hyunjin is the only one in the group who hasn't chosen a side yet. Hyunjin's choice will tilt the group toward either one of the topic because democracy.

Leeknow is flying above Seungmin, his demon wings opened wide as he whole heartedly supports Seungmin. The dancer can't wait to have his hand on the script and make Hyunjin change it so that they could bully the poor victim in the worst way possible. All the schemes running through his mind right now, how they could publicly humiliate the victim, dump the victim's head into the toilet bowl, throwing papers at their face, and making them do your homework. Minho grins at the thought.

Han is flying above Jeongin, loving the idea thar hard work will always prevail in the face of darkness. He enjoys a good story of how someone works from the bottom to the top. It's like those Disney stories, where the main character has to suffer through some hardship before they reach their happy ending. Although, some bullying does get his interest.

Hyunjin is in a dilemma. How will he choose when both choices sound like good choices? He would love to have a simple and easy topic to work on. It would be the easiest way to pull up his overall score. However, the other choice seems more fun. There is more things they could work on, and maybe they could all gang up to bully Changbin. Poor Changbin most likely becoming the victim in the film.

Minho tilts his body to face towards Hyunjin and shouts, "Choose bullying Hyunjin! This is the perfect opportunity to push Changbin into the toilet!"

Hyunjin imagines it in his head, they could implement a scene where Changbin had to use the toilet and he could follow along with Seungmin. Once they were in the stall and out of the range of sight, they could corner the rapper in the stall and start harassing him about his height. Changbin was noticeably shorter than the rest of the group. Maybe they can even bully him about how his height is shorter than a woman's.

Han realizes that Minho is convincing the blonde haired boy over to his side, making him choose the bad option. Han didn't want Hyunjin to actually go that far in bullying, especially knowing what the two dancers probably had in mind. He had to convince Hyunjin over. If they choose bullying, there's no way he'll win against Leeknow when it comes to ideas on bullying.

 "Hyun, think about how much easier choosing this topic will be." Jisung uses grades to persuade Hyunjin into choosing the caring option. It would be easier when it comes to making plots as well as filming. They wouldn't have to go through the trouble of getting someone wet and bringing spare uniforms, and his grades would easily go up.

Hyunjin imagines the process. He could see the plot all in his head, how simple and straight foward it would be. Studious little Changbin working hard to get through all his classes, with class top scorer Jeongin being his rival. For fillling character, they could have the couple Hyunjin and Felix as well as the student that is always asleep in class, Seungmin. It would create an entire class vibe.

It would also be the perfect opportunity to be all lovey dovey with Felix on camera. Imagine all the disgusting things they could do in front of all their friends! They would start puking on the spot from all the romantic stuff.

Filming would be a breeze since location shouldn't be much of an issue. They would most likely borrow the Mr. Chan's classroom for a few hours for filming and it would be done. Maybe they will also do a home scene where Changbin struggles to understand while studying. It would be a perfect excuse to steal snacks from the rapper's house. Changbin always says that he has a lot of snacks in his house anyways.

It was really hard to pick. Both of were really good choices and would be fun to do. Han's option would be better from his already bad grades but Minho's option would be more entertaining. Why are life choices so difficult..?

It doesn't help that all his groupmates are staring at him, waiting from him to make a choice. it was like the entire whole's future lies in his hands. The pressure was getting to him.

That's Mr. Chan walked by their table, "So, have you boy's chosen your topic yet?" He asked with his usual smile on his face. Seungmin started to say, "No were still waiting on Hyu-"

"I'LL JOIN JEONGIN AND CHANGBIN!" Hyunjin suddenly stood up, his chair went flying backwards and fall over, making a loud crash as it tumbles onto the floor. 

"Oopsie" Hyunjin quietly apologizes, bending down to pick up his chair. What an embarrassing moment! The entire class just turned around and looked at him, wondering what even happened all of a sudden. Even  his groupmates are somewhat shocked and confused.

"Dammit!" Felix groans out as Jeongin does a small cheer by shaking his hand into the air. Jeongin and Changbin's side won! Now, they finally had their topic down and they could start working on what they would like the plot for the film to be.

Seungmin is kind of upset since he was really excited to publicly humiliate Changbin by making him dance to some random song in public and record it. Imagine Changbin dancing the chicken dance while making chicken sounds, that would be the best content. Unfortunate, Jeongin was already starting to write down ideas that could be used for the plot, such as the pile of fake homework, Seungmin as the very nice teacher that can't teach well, as well as Changbin being the poor main character who will cry over their grades. They could film some minor rivalry and classmates helping each other. It would be the most fluffy film the class has ever seen, and they will get a perfect grade for this film project.

This was going to be easy!

A/N: GUESS WHOS BACK AFTER A YEAR LONG HIATUS HELPME . also from now on ill only be updating my main stories on mondays & fridays :))

words: 1157

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