'*•.¸♡ ten♡¸.•*'

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"Do you want popcorn?" Felix screamed into Hyunjin's ear and pointed at the food stall a few feet away from them. The sound of motors, music and people screaming in the background makes it hard for Hyunjin to hear Felix.

It was a weekend, and Hyunjin came up with this terrible idea to go to a carnival for their date. The carnival was opened recently, with some thrilling rollercoasters, arcade and a large Ferris wheel that overlooks the entire park. Not to mention, Hyunjin had been watching a few cringy romance shows, and he wanted to recreate the romantic moment from a popular k-drama he's been watching. At 7pm, there is a firework show scheduled and the Ferris wheel with be the perfect place to watch it from. (A/N: help idk there's actually a k-drama abt this its for the plot..)

Hyunjin dumped out his entire bank account for this, reserving a table at the restaurant in the theme park as well as booking a slot for the Ferris wheel at 6:55pm. Hyunjin wanted to make sure the date will be perfect, and maybe they can share their first kiss here, together in Ferris wheel ride with the fireworks shooting and exploding in the background.

"I'm going deaf you idiot!" Hyunjin shouted back at Felix, after Felux had basically screamed directly into Hyunjin's ear. "And yes, I do want some popcorn."

Instead of Felix moving towards the stall first, Hyunjin quickly but gently grabbed onto Felix's small hand and slowly dragged him to the stall, making sure their hands never part with eachother.

He realized that he grabbed Felix's hand quite suddenly, and Felix is looking a little red and sweaty.

"Uhh, I'm just grabbing your hand to make sure you won't get lost." Hyunjin spoke out when they stood in front of the stall and Hyunjin let go of Felix's hand. He was getting ready to pay for their popcorn and wanted to make sure the younger didn't misunderstand him.

"It's fine." Felix replied and reached out for Hyunjin's hand this time, looking at Hyunjin for confirmation before holding onto his hand. Hyunjin gave a small nod and Felix wrapped their hands together, Hyunjin's other hand holding onto the bag of popcorn.

"Hey Hannie, do you want to hold my hand? You're so small, I don't want you to get lost!" Leeknow said jokingly as he flew around Han. Felix and Hyunjin walked down the path together, walking in tune with each other and sneaking small glances at each other.

"I'm not small.." Han pouted, staring at Leeknow to challenge his height. Even though he technically is shorter than Leeknow, he was still taller than average. It's not his fault Leeknow is a giant.

"Come onnnn! Hold my hand." Leeknow reached out, floating right infront of Han and forcing Han to face him. As Han contemplates about life, Leeknow holds onto his hands, pulling him forward to make sure they keep up with Hyunjin and Felix.

"Minho!" Han tugged at the dancer without any force, just to show a little resistance even though he is happily enjoying Minho's warmth through his hands. Minho's hands were so much warmer than his own, bringing him a sense of warmth and safety, even though the hands belonged to a demon.

Jisung subconsciously floated closer to Minho, nearly touching each other. Jisung was attracted to Minho like a moth to a flame. Mingo made the amusement park feel less lonely, and less third wheeling Hyunjin and Felix who were being lovey dovey when they just reached the park.

"Do you want to eat the popcorn first?" Hyunjin asked as they walked and encountered an empty bench at the side of the pathway. It's probably better if they do not bring popcorn onto rides and make a mess.

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