'*•.¸♡ four ♡¸.•*'

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"Arghh.." Hyunjin groaned as his head continues to spin. His head felt fuzzy and unclear. his room looking slightly blurry. His body was burning up, like as if he was in a sauna.

It was nearly 2pm, and he still haven't eaten his breakfast, much less his lunch. He just felt so out of it, didn't even feel like leaving his bed. It didn't help that Leeknow and Han were being so noisy, giving him a massive headache.

"Hyunjin! What should we do?" Jisung screamed as he panics, not knowing what to do to help the dancer. They don't get sick, so he doesn't know how to really take care of Hyunjin. Leeknow was also sitting beside the taller's bed, searching up on Google using Hyunjin's phone for what to do.

"Hyunjin, I'll cook you some lunch. On Google, they recommended chicken soup and some vegetables to bring down the cold." Minho suggested as he placed Hyunjin's phone back onto the table.

Hyunjin's eyes went wide open, immediately sitting on his bed. "Don't even dare to touch my kitchen, Minho."

He didn't even know if the brunette heard him cause right after he started sneezing which only worsened his headache.

The previous time Hyunjin let Minho use his kitchen, it went up in flames. Hyunjin has no idea how does someone even set the kitchen on fire while making cereal. One of Leeknow's amazing talents, he guessed.

Hyunjin felt like he was going to get a heart attack thinking about Minho doing something bad to his kitchen, and he can't prevent it in his current situation.

Minho left the room, with Hyunjin's phone in hand and a smiley face, leaving Jisung and Hyunjin together. The younger was extremely clueless what to do right now.

"Uhh, I'll get you a wet towel?" Jisung phrased it more like a question, he was just following what he remembered others did for Hyunjin when he was younger.

Hyunjin looked over to the angel and nodded. Jisung felt like he did something for the blonde haired today.

Han opened up Hyunjin's closet in search for a towel, which he couldn't find for a long time and ended up kinda trashing the boys closet. He'll probably try to clean up later. He finally found the small towel that would probably fit Hyunjin's forehead.

Jisung flew to the restroom, turning on the tap water and letting the entire towel get soaked with water. Then, without squeezing the excess water, he placed the towel on Hyunjin's face, covering his entire face.

The dancer woke up with a very wet sensation on his face. He was also having a bit of difficulty on breathing. He picked up the wet towel on his face and threw it to the side of his bed.

"HAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Hyunjin screamed, sounding less threatening than usual. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?"

"Uh, I was just trying to put a wet towel to lower your temperature." Han pouted, holding the towel in his hand.

"You're supposed to fold it first before you put it on my face. Also, why is it so wet?" Hyunjin plopped back onto the bed, feeling like his fever just got worse from getting wet.

"I don't know? I just rinsed it with water." Jisung floated back into the washroom, squeezing out the excess water. This time it is not excessively wet.

"AHHH" A scream came from outside Hyunjin's door.

Hyunjin is really gonna die from this fever at this point. He reluctantly pushed his blanket aside and got up from his bed, feeling even more dizzy from the sudden movement.

From outside the kitchen, he can smell something burning.

"LEEKNOW? What did you do this time?" Hyunjin shouted, Leeknow looking somewhat guilty.

"The carrot is completely black and mushy. It's also stuck to the bottom of the pot?" Leeknow pointed at the carrot using the wooden spoon.

Hyunjin has no idea how he even managed to cook a carrot to that extent, and frankly, he doesn't want to know either.

"Okay Minho, just put down the wooden spoon and I'll fix it from here." Minho placed the wooden spoon back into the pot and Hyunjin stepped over to scoop up the burnt carrot. It was somewhat stuck to the pot, and scraping it still leaves residue on the pot.

'Nevermind..' Hyunjin thought in his mind and just turned off the flames entirely. He placed the whole pot into the washing basin and decided to clean it later when he wasn't so tired.

"No more cooking, Minho. I'll just grab some cereal and medicine." Hyunjin opened up his cabinet and took out a box of cereal. He poured it into a small bowl and ate it while watching Leeknow standing at the side, trying not to cause more trouble while Hyunjin was sick. Jisung also walked out then, holding the towel at his side.

It was an awkward silence while Hyunjin tried to quickly finish his lunch.

They head back to the room after Hyunjin was done with his lunch. Han placed the somewhat now-dry towel on the dancer's forehead.

"I'll go get a basin for you to wet up the towel again." Minho grabbed a small basin which was usually used for cleaning clothes and filled it with water.

He came back with a partially filled basin and placed it on the bedside table. Jisung dipped the towel into the basin and squeezed out the excess water before placing the towel back on Hyunjin's forehead.

Soon, the blonde-haired fell back asleep.

And he woke up, feeling refreshed and energetic. Sitting up and stretching, he saw Minho and Jisung sleeping with their heads on his bed, facing each other. Minho's left arm was over Han's shoulder, bringing the younger closer to him.

Hyunjin slowly moved out of his bed, not wanting to wake both of them up. He head towards the kitchen, where he knew he still had to clean that mess Leeknow made.

Surprisingly, when he checked his kitchen basin, it was empty and clean. The pot nicely placed at the side, clean and sparkly and the trash was thrown away. Even the bowl he used for cereal was cleaned and dried.

Hyunjin went back to his room and silently giggled. Those two idiots actually went back to clean up while he was asleep. He guessed they weren't the worst company he could have while he was sick.


A/N: lets all pretend Minho isn't a literal 5-star Michelin irl for sake of this story

words: 1054

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