The Voice.

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Paintbrush wakes up in the middle of the night. Due to a dream..they hear a voice calling them out. They look over to fan who is still currently asleep. They check the time..


..they cant go back to sleep.
The voice gets louder. Telling them to go outside.

'Go outside. Go outside..'

it stops for a moment.


it gets louder.
Paintbrush holds their head for a moment before getting up and going over to the door. They look back at fan for a moment to check hes still asleep. He is. Sleeping..ever so peacefully. Paintbrush looks at the door and gently opens it to not make any noise..they wouldnt want to wake up fan now would they?...

They sigh as they walk out and leave the door just slightly open. They start to walk down the hallway of hotel OJ. Feeling a cold breeze trough the hallway. Its queit
. Nothing can be heard execpt the footsteps and wind. Paintbrush continues walking. As they get closer to the stairs it starts to get colder and colder. The moonlight is shining trought the window. They reach downstairs. Where its oddly cold. The door is..slightly open? who would be out at this hour..well..besised them self. Paintbrush dosent think much of it and just stands near the door for a moment before opening the door and stepping outside.

A cold breeze hits them. A shiver goes down their spine and they hug them self for warmth. They take a deep breath and stand there. Hesatating on wether or not they should stay outside. The voice comes again. Even louder than before. But not quite yelling? 'The forest.' Paintbrush tilts their head and speaks in a quiet voice, their voice being a bit raspy. "What?" they hug themself tighter and rubs their arms. They take one step backwards before the voice speaks. 'Go in the forest.' paintbrush shivers a bit, feeling off. "Why?..Its freezing. I dont think im going to listen to some voice that suddenly appeared and just go in the forest. Especially not at this time." paintbrush feels the cold breeze hit them once more making them shiver more. they continue to hug them self. It goes quiet for a moment. Paintbrush just stands there. They get startled due to the voice speaking again.

'just go. Your already out here. Go.'

paintbrush hesataties at first but closes their eyes for a momment and sighs. They start walking into the forest.

"Why am i even listening to this..voice.."

they shiver again. It starts to get colder as they walk into the forest. They start to hear multiple voices at the same time.

'go in.'

'do it'

'go on..'

'it wont hurt.'

and then. silence. They stop in the middle of the forest. it goes silent.

 "Im here. Now what do you want.."
no asnwer Paintbrush sighs.

"Was this really just for nothing?"

no reply. They stand there for a few seconds before turning around and starting to walk back to the hotel.

"well that was a waste of my t-"

paintbrush gets cut off by the voice again.


paintbrush goes silent for a moment. They take a few steps back and sigh. They close their eyes for a while before opening them.

"What do you even want?"

the voice replies shortly.

'just stay. You'll see in a few seconds..Just you wait..'

paintbrush is getting a bit..annoyed by this voice but. They can manage.

"fine. Just make it quick. Id like to go back to sleep."

paintbrush stands there and waits for a possible reply from the voice.

'feisty much? but fine fine..ill make it quick. just stay there. You'll see what awaits.'

 paintbrush gets a little put of by this. What dose the voice mean by ' ' you'll see what awaits.' '?..

"...ill-..see what awaits? whats that suppose too mean."

 no reply. Paintbrush suddenly feels a strong..harsh..cold breeze. it makes them shiver. They start to feel light headed. They slowly collapse onto the floor.


 paintbrush gets cut off by the voice.

 'Hush now.'

 paintbrush slowly stops hugging them self and faints. They wake up. in the same forest. But facing..them self?..distorted. A monster. They step back in horror.

 "...W-What. W-What the fuck."

suddenly. someone grabs paintbrushes hand from behind. Causing them to jump back. Someone speaks.

'careful now! dont trip over me.'

paintbrush turns around to see a dark figure. Not that short but not that tall. It sounds like the voice.

"what the fuck is going on. EXPLAIN. now."

paintbrush grabs its hand and make it let go of them.

'Oh, nothing much just,' it turns paintbrush around to face of- them self.

'this is you! in the future of course.'

paintbrush jumps a bit. "exuse me. WHAT?..what- w-..what happend."

the voice giggles. 'Well, ill tell you that..eventually.. just- listen to me and take me advice! you can know the future!~'

paintbrush shivers a bit and stares at the voice."why cant you tell me now. Why do i have to trust you?"

the voice stares back for a little bit and grins. '..just do it, paintbrush. You wont regret it. Plus not like you have a choice! your stuck with me!"

paintbrush steps aside from the voice. Seeming more annoyed with it. "what."

the voice giggles at paintbrushes reaction 'yep! up. Ill see you. Tomorrow..!~'

the voice goes up to paintbrush. They step away from the voice.

"What. NO. whats going on—"

the voice stares at paintbrush. They start to collapse onto the floor like before. Next thing they know theyre in bed. They wake up in a cold sweat. They sit up and look around. Questiong what just happend..

''was..was that a dream?'' paintbrush stares at the wall infront of them as they think. They dont speak. They just talk in ther head. They look out the window and stare at the forest. They shut their eyes and fall back on the bed.


yay i finnaly made this 
i hope you enjoyed 
[ill probably make cover art for this chapter later.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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