Chapter 5.

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Selena and I were out for brunch. we would go to this fancy café, not too far from our homes we would walk together down here. during our conversations, we would gossip, and joke around about the unfunniest things, but we thought it was funny. Selena was talking about her show-only murders in the building, which was the funniest TV show I have seen in a while.

I decided to find my family with us this time, I didn't get to see them much, I talked on the phone with my mom yesterday, after my parents got divorced, I became close with my mom.
I loved my father, but he was very old fashion. Sometimes he would say things that weren't the best but I know he means well.

I kept checking the door to see if they were there, Selena pretended to throw water on me which made me flinch. "HA! Look at you scared of water," I threw one of the napkins at her hitting her in one of her boobs. "Oh! Remember that bitch, Scooter?"

I made a fake disgusted noise with my tongue. "Ew, I don't even wanna talk about him or think about his loser ass,"

"So where's that fine brother of yours," She said looking around the café, as she pressed her lips together giving me a weird glance.

I had to blink a couple of times, and I rubbed my eyelids. "Did you just call Austin. . .fine?" I leaned across the table.

She flipped her hair back and rolled her eyes. "Maybe I did what are you gonna do? maybe if he wasn't your brother you would understand where I'm coming from," she said, picking up her muffin and taking a bite out of it. "He is so cute, have you his built? he is built like Zeus!"

"Austin is built like an improper fraction,"  I said chuckling under my breath.

She covered her mouth with her hand, giving me a blank stare, her deep brown eyes piercing into my soul. "Okay, you know who is fine," she said, biting on her fingernails. "Your little boyfriend,"

"Leland?! Oh, we haven't made anything official," I said taking a sip of my lemon tea.

She rolled her eyes making a disgusted look. "Oh my god, you guys have been dating for like almost a month and you're telling me, you guys still haven't made anything official?"

"We are taking things slow, we don't want to rush anything,"

She shook her head in disapproval. "So are you telling me you haven't seen his dick yet?! what if he's hiding a tree trunk in his pants," she said, moving her eyebrows up and down.

I choked on my water. "Do you have no filter we are in public?"

"I can't believe you haven't choked on it." She said making hand movements pretending like she was sucking on a dick. I kicked her under the table.

I looked at the doorway and I saw my mom, Austin, and my father walking over to me. I got up to my feet and we exchanged hugs and kisses.

"Heyyyyyy Austin!!!" Selena said, trying to sound seductive. "You look good today, do you like this dress?" she rubbed her hands on her body down to her ankles.

"it looks fine I guess, but nothing outstanding."

I couldn't help myself but control my laughter, they all took a seat at our table. My mama grabbed onto my hand with the biggest smile on her face. "It's been so long since we saw each other, how is everything going?"

"I'm doing good, you know been working a lot,"
Austin rolled his eyes and my dad looked disinterested. "But enough about me how are you doing?"

"Well, Austin is getting married soon,"

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