Chapter 15.

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"I don't know if this is even a good idea. I miss my family but I don't know if they will even come to my show, my mom would definitely but my dad and Austin? they might as well just laugh in my face."

I heard Selena on the other line crunching on some potato chips. I was in my car on my to see my family at a lakehouse. this Lakehouse we used to go to every August. Even though my parents divorce, they still manage to look like a family, my mom invited me because she thought I was overworking myself with touring, and making music.

maybe you should talk to them to make them understand where you're coming from, I think they will understand you, but they still don't know what it looks like or do they?

No! Not yet, I want them to meet I was thinking about them meeting over dinner. and I wanted to know if you could come because I would be so nervous.

Just do what you did the last time when they met Joe, besides, I'm busy tomorrow I have a bunch of music to work on and I have a bunch of beauty products in the making.

does Leland know you are trying to plan dinner?

Or course not, and besides if my family agrees then I will tell him.

    Are you sure he would be comfortable with that, you don't think you're rushing through this
See knowing me I would be kinda freaked out and nervous. But that's just me though.

I just want everything to be good, you know
I really like Leland, he's good to me and he's

I bet he is, I can tell he cares about you a lot.
God damn, I need to find a man like him!

The Lakehouse came into view, and my heartbeat started beating like a drum. I gripped the steering wheel with my sweaty palms. The only person I talked to in my family was my mom. She stood by me when my reputation was going downhill, and she showed up to a couple of my tour dates.

Selena, I'm here
I'm gonna call you back.

Okay but bring me some
of your mother's chicken

We hung up the phone and I parked my car in the driveway I saw my mom standing on the porch waiting for me, she had the biggest smile on her face. I got out of the car and we mediately ran to each other and embraced each other. something about her embrace felt so warm and sweet all at once.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you made it," she said, placed in both of her hands on the sides of my head squishing my cheeks together.

"I'm so glad to see you, where are Dad and Austin?" I said looking around the area, but they were nowhere in sight.

"They're in the house, come on." we both interlock times creating the chain and we walked in the house together. The house was made of wood and brick. it's close to almost a hundred years old. The house was warm and felt cozy when I walked in.

Austin was sitting on the couch watching football on the flatscreen TV that had been installed over two years ago. I untethered myself from Mom's arm and walked over to the couch. "Hey, sis," he said he's not turning his attention to me.

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