Chapter 27.

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I was brewing a cup of lemon tea in the kitchen when I heard the door slam shut. I didn't turn around because I already knew who it was, he was the only person I trusted with a key to my house. He wrapped his arms around my waist placing a kiss on my cheek. "Wow, I get nothing in return?"

I rolled my eyes turning my body to look at him. He had his locs unbraided like he usually had them. I never realized how long his hair actually was. He was wearing a hat as well. "What's up your hair? you usually have it in braids,"

"Yeah. . . I had to wash it today and I was not gonna braid it back all in one day," I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my tea trying my best not to burn my tongue. "So how are you feeling?"

"I feel best down and I'm happy that my album is coming out soon," His face was full of joy for some odd reason. Leland is always happy but he's too happy today. "It's 10:00 in the morning what are you even doing here earlier, don't you have a signing and a meet in geet later today?"

"Because I want to take on a date,"

I raised my eyebrows looking at him. "We haven't been on a date in a while,"

"I know that's why I want to take you out," I sat down on the couch. I picked up the remote but he quickly snatched it out of my hand.

"Leland, I don't feel like going to any fancy restaurants,"

He rolled his eyes and extended his hand. "Who said I was taking you out to dinner?" He gripped my hand pulling me up from the couch. "Let me take you somewhere.  . .please? I'll stop bothering you,"

he dilated his pupils making his eyes widen, he was his best, trying to make puppy dog eyes, which were kinda cute but the face he would creep me out. "Stop making that face,"

He then got on his knees closing both of his hands together, I try backing up but he kept scooting closer to me. "Please?! I'm begging you,"

I rolled my eyes looking down at him. "Fine! incorrect on the floor I haven't vacuumed."

He jumped up in excitement squealing in my ear. I pushed him out of my way. I was looking through all of my clothes to see what I was gonna wear.


Leland had me wear a blindfold. He held onto my hand guiding me somewhere. I walked over something but I couldn't tell what I was walking on. I gripped his shirt because I felt myself slip on something.

I heard him let out a huge groan. "Taylor, you're digging your nails into me." He said trying to remove my hands but I wasn't going to budge.

I felt like I was walking down the hill, I felt the cold air slapping against my face. After a while, he told me to stop. He slowly removed the blindfold from my face. The ray of sun hit me so hard that I had to cover my face. "What the fuck are you trying to blind me?!" He removed my hands from my face.

I looked out at the beautiful ocean. At first glance, it looks like a bunch of little diamond sparkling in the ocean-blue water. I looked down at my feet, and I was standing on the sand.

"You said you haven't been to the beach in a while so I thought this would be the perfect date," He said scratching the back of his neck, having an awkward look on his face. I looked back at the ocean and then back at him. "I don't know what, I was probably stupid of me—"

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