Chapter 25.

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My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked up to the mic. I was wearing a dark blue dress. My heels caulked against the stage, my loud footsteps echoing all over the stadium. I picked up the light brown guitar. I was still trying to claim down from the 1989 set I just did. I heard the crowd's excitement when I came out with a new blue outfit for the set.

I couldn't help but giggle at the little surprise I had in store for the night. I looked over at the camera guy who was live streaming on the Taylor Nation Instagram.

I could feel and hear the crowd chanting my name. I pushed my long curly out of my face as I felt the heat of the lights. "Welcome to the acoustic set." The crowd was hollering and screaming at the top of their lungs, which I had to admit made my heart spark with a burst of energy. "So I am. . .I just want to talk to you guys for a second, about the fact that. . . This tour and what you have done, you know, this tour, I hear so many people talking about how they wanted to come to these shows just because of you guys and like." I said, stuttering out my words. and I can feel the increase in pressure.

"And the joy and the friendship and the open-heartedness with which you guys have approached this tour. Like, you're making friendship bracelets and trading them with each other, you're dancing with each other and you're making friends with the people next to you. 1 see some of you Facetiming people who are your friends and like, singing with them. It's just, It's really, It's really beautiful and like the nicest thing in the world is how you guys have approached the nicest thing in the world is how approached this tour with so much excitement."

"And you got so into it, and you dress up and the fact that you care this much is what has made this tour so special for me and everyone that you see on stage. So thank you. 1 figured it would be fun, but I did not know it would be like this. And the thing is that you guys have made it so much fun and the last time that I was so pleasantly surprised by some stuff that you guys did was when I announced that I was going to be re-recorded."

The crowd sounded like a pounding drum against my feet. My hands were shaky and I looked around the stadium with a wide smirk on my face. I could the burning heat in my face.

"And that was something that I expected to be, and I thought it was just my thing, I, since I was a teenager, I wanted to own my music, and the way to do it was to re-record my albums, and the way that you embrace that, the way that you have celebrated that."The crowd yelled back at me with excitement.

"And that decided that it was your fight too and that you were 100% behind me, and I care about it, I'll never stop thanking you for that And so now here we are on the last night of the US leg of the Eras Your, in the eighth month of the year. . ."

I could hear the crowd screaming. They really did care about my music. With each passing second I could feel my heart beating louder and faster but you couldn't be able to hear it.

"On the ninth day. . ."

"You might have noticed there are some new outfits in the show. . . There's something that I've been planning for a really, really, really, ridiculously, embarrassingly long time. And I think instead of just like, telling you about it, I think I'II just sort of show you something like that. . ."

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