Chapter 4

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Everyone just ended up at the place they never wanted. ''Looks like we are stranded here'' stacy mumbles .Everyone did not have a choice but to see what is to the motel they all found. They did not have anywhere else to go, and it is extremely dark, and raining. They all plan to have a fresh start in the morning. So they ambled slowly towards the creepy motel. When they finally made it up to the motel Noah tries to open the door, but the door was locked. ''What the fuck? The sign says "OPEN 24 HOURS'' Noah says getting annoyed .Robin goes ahead and knocks at the door. A man opens the door and The man was tall, skinny, and looked very creepy. His hair was all grey. The man's face was wrinkled and his eyes looked dark and very unwelcoming They all stares at the man as he opens the door. ''Noah, you never told us your grandfather works here'' Liam beckoned ''Fuck You Liam'' Noah said chuckling ''What do you all want?'' the old man growled interrupting them. ''Oh. um.. hello sir. So sorry to disturb you at this hour.'' Nina said cutting him off

''can you just get to the point young lady?'' the old man growled getting annoyed ''umm.. yeah... sorry sir'' nina replies ''We all were on a school trip. We lost our way and ended up here.''As its pouring like crazy, we wanted a place to stay for the night.'' nina answered the old man. ''Just get in. and occupy whichever room you want to.'' ''Be prepared for whatever comes your way'' the old man said still with an irritated expression plastered on his face. ''Aghh I hate this old man. He gives me creeps'' stacy said getting annoyed ''same here stace'' nina said agreeing with her best friend and following everyone inside ''Okay, guys. Let's divide in two. And lets get over with this already '' Malisa pipes in ''OH MY GOD!! will you just shut up already?! you are so obnoxious that I feel like gagging. we are stuck here too..!'' Nina speaks up. Noah's voice snaps you out of your anger ''Come on Nina lets sleep together''

" Huh?? Wha.. Did I hear that right" Nina replies getting confused and shocked at the same time " Uh no.. I mean that's not what I meant" Noah replies getting flustered

''Suree.. I mean Yes I will'' nina replies holding in her laugh because noah looked so cute when he was flustered. ''Good night everyone'' robin malisa stacy announce and go to their respective rooms. While walking towards their rooms Nina sees a picture on the wall of the corridor it had a family picture and a woman's face was torn off the picture. The second everyone hit the bed. Sleep takes over all of them in a second. Nina and Noah are suddenly woken up by a loud scream. They wake up and go out of their room. To their surprise they see everyone coming out of their rooms, looks like they all heard the scream. ''WHAT WAS THAT?!'' nina and stacy exclaim ''I don't know lets go check it out'' Noah replies. ''They all hear it again. But this time it does not stop. It continues, and those shouts turn into loud screeching sobs'' ''It's coming from the second floor'' Lili says ''Yeahh..Lets go check it out, maybe there is some one there just like us'' Noah replies. They all go to the second floor, and follow the sound of the sobs. But little did they know it lead them to room ''213''. They try opening it. but it does not open. They knock 3 times.. but no ones answers. ''Let me just look into the room through the peep hole'' Nina pipes in. ''She might need help, she might be in danger'' nina says. She peeps in...and see a woman wearing white pajamas and standing at the corner of the room facing the wall. ''Sooo what do you see??'' Malisa asks . ''A woman staring at the wall in while pajamas'' nina answers her '' ''WHAT!!'' everyone ask confused. Nina looks back in, but she doesn't 't see the woman but all she sees is red. She looks closer and realises that those are her eyes. She is looking back at her through the hole. The very next second she starts banging the door loudly and screaming something. All of them run back down with creeps running down their spines.

The next morning nina wakes up from her sleep and sees noah standing at the foot of the bed staring at something. ''Umm.. what are you looking at so early in the morning that has scared you so much?'' nina asks noah. ''There is a doll at the foot of our bed'' noah replies horrified and not looking away from the doll. ''A doll.........??'' Nina asks confused ''Wai..waitt'' nina says freaking out . ''No no no... This can't be'' nina says backing away until she hits the wall behind wich had a torn picture of a woman plastered there. ''OMG OMG OMG Noa..h '' What is it nina?? what happened?'' noah asks nina getting worried. ''While coming in... I saw a pic in the hallway'' nina explains. ''a pic?'' noah ask confused ''Yes.. A family picture in that pic the kid was holding this doll andd andd..'' nina starts to stutter out of fear ''what nina? what is it?'' noah asks holding nina close to him '' that picture, there was a woman wearing white pajamas..but her face was torn so I could not see who she was'' nina explains ''waittt!. white pajamas? that means....'' Noah replies. '' Yes noah i feel like she is the same person too'' nina clarifies

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