Chapter 1: Backstory

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Story was suggested by: Iceprince234x

As a child, Jaune Arc was nothing short of exceptional. Despite growing up in a humble and nice household in the south of Anima Region, there was an air of mystery and distinction about him even from a young age. With raven-black hair and sharp, intelligent orange hawk-like eyes that seemed to pierce through one's soul.

Jaune fascination with swords began early on, as he would often be seen wielding sticks or small branches, mimicking the graceful movements of a true swordsman that her saw online or passing fighters. His passion for the art of swordsmanship only grew as he got older, and he spent countless hours honing his skills in secret, away from prying eyes.

While Jaune was gifted with natural talent, he was also a highly disciplined and patient child. He possessed an unwavering determination to perfect his craft, often pushing himself to the limits in pursuit of mastery. His diligence and focus were remarkable.

Despite his talent and passion, Jaune childhood was very solitude. He rarely socialized with other children in the kids in the small area they lived in, preferring the company of his sword and the solace of the sea that was near his household. This isolation fueled his thirst for strength and knowledge, and he immersed himself in the teachings of legendary swordsmen from the past from reading book in his father library.

The Arc family had tradition of swordsmanship ran deep within the blood, with his father being a highly skilled swordsman himself. As a young and spirited child, Jaune dreamed of becoming a swordsman like no other, but his father, recognizing the harsh and dangerous path of a swordsman, was initially hesitant to train him.

Driven by his burning desire to wield a blade and prove his worth, Jaune  issued a challenge to his father. The terms were simple: if he could defeat his father in a duel, then he would be allowed to receive training in the ways of the sword. However, if he were to lose and give up then he would have to renounce his dream of becoming a swordsman and never touch a blade again. 

At first, Jaune attempts were met with swift defeat. His father's experience and skill were formidable, and Jaune struggled to find any advantage. Despite the repeated losses, Jaune refused to give up. He became more determined than ever to master the art of swordsmanship, spending every spare moment training diligently and analyzing his father's techniques.

As the months passed, Jaune persistence began to bear fruit. He didn't rely solely on physical strength but instead honed his mind, using his intelligence to discern patterns and weaknesses in his father's style Unknowingly to Jaune who Aura was already unlocked, He accidentally unlocked his Semblance... Through observation and adaptability, he developed unique strategies to counter his father's attacks.

One fateful day, after countless trials and failures, Jaune newfound intelligence and technique overwhelmed his father in their duel. He had finally succeeded in defeating him. As his father acknowledged his growth and tenacity, he knew that Jaune was destined for greatness and that the time had come to impart his wisdom.

From that day forth, Jaune father became his mentor and guide. Under his father's watchful eye, Jaune continued to refine his skills and cultivate his mind, learning not just the ways of the sword but also the importance of humility, respect, and self-discipline and finally a code which was made for swordsman as well as a swordsman dishonor.

Jaune victory over his father marked the turning point in his life, him and his father knew that this was only the beginning. Jaune was only 9 Years old at this point of his life but training under his Father for 2 years when he was 11 Years old, Jaune left the family hold after explaining to his Mother and Father of his choice to leave and get experience to grow and develop his own style but also sharpen his senses and semblance which just so happen to enchant the senses of vision of the eyes, It was actually fitting for Jaune eyes who eyes could send shiver down a adult man spine just by staring at him.

At this point in time, Jaune is clad in a black jacket, deliberately choosing to forego wearing a shirt underneath. The absence of a shirt allows him the freedom of movement he desires, revealing his refined muscles. It's unusual to see a child, let alone anyone, possessing such a physique, hinting at his rigorous training he has undergone.

Complementing the black jacket, he short black pants that further contribute to his practical and agile appearance. A small black and red belt adds a touch of color to his otherwise dark attire, a subtle accent to his overall outfit.

On his left side, a single sword is secured, serving as a testament to his skill and experience as a warrior. The sword is a constant companion, reflecting Jaune's readiness to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

With a resolute fire burning in his eyes and an unyielding determination in his heart, Jaune Arc embarks on a life-defining journey to become the Greatest Swordsman

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With a resolute fire burning in his eyes and an unyielding determination in his heart, Jaune Arc embarks on a life-defining journey to become the Greatest Swordsman. His resolve is unwavering, and he is ready to face any and all adversaries that stand in his path.

Through the trials and challenges that await him, Jaune will hone his skills and push his limits, striving to master the art of the blade. Every swing of his sword will be infused with purpose, as he seeks to meet each opponent with the cold and sharp edge of his blade.

The path to greatness will not be easy, but Jaune is undeterred. He will face every battle with courage, learning from each encounter and growing stronger with every victory and setback. His determination fuels his progress, as he constantly pushes himself to improve and refine his techniques and semblance that he named.... Observation Haki.

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