In the bustling cafeteria, a focused group of individuals gathered around a lunch table, engrossed in animated discussions about the mission reports entrusted to them for investigation. Their voices filled the air, mingling with the clatter of trays and the hum of chatter. However, their dialogue abruptly ceased as all eyes turned towards the entrance, where Jaune made his appearance.
Amidst the lively atmosphere, Harriet's voice rose above the rest, breaking through the din.
Harriet: Hey Jaune, how've you been?
Vine: Will you be joining with us Jaune?
Elm: Hell yeah! Let go fight bud!
Clover: Guy's, Mission reports remember?
World Strongest Swordsman (RWBY X Mihawk/Jaune)
AdventureJaune Arc who dreams to be the strongest swordsman will face many challenges to the top, He will learn new things about the world and face them with a fearless attitude with a blade beside him at all times. Will he become the strongest or not?