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I slid out of bed and trudged over to my computer as it beeped, letting me know that someone was calling my Skype. Slumping into the chair I turned my monitor on and answer with a yawn as I put my headset on.
"Hey Valerie? You wanna do play on this new Minecraft server I found?"
It was Leandra, one of my best friends. I glanced to the clock to see it was around 4:30 in the morning. I sighed.
"I guess since there really no point in me going back to bed. Send me the IP."
Soon after getting the IP, I told Leandra I'd meet her in game. Ending the call I pulled up Minecraft and started entering in the IP. I finally came up and showed that there was several people online. It didn't have a very creative name. It was called Realistic Survival. Where ever Leandra found this server I had a feeling I would be stuck doing everything from crafting to fighting the mobs. With a sigh, I clicked on join server. My screen went to the usual dirt loading screen and suddenly cut off to go to a blank screen.
"Seriously!!! I just got th-"
I was cut off by a growing pain from the back of my hand. I winced as the headache continue to grow till it was no longer bearable. Placing my head on the computer desk I felt a wave of drozee ness take over as the world around me faded into darkness.
Hey guys what going on Pokecrafter312 here with my very first read!!! If you are liking this story please leave a vote and a comment letting me know what you like about the story. If you have any ideas you wish to share just tell me in the comments and I'll look through them when I have time. Remember stay awesome and ~bai!!!!!!!

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