Chapter 33

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{Valerie's P.o.V}

Luckily Seto was able to turn me back without a problem. He said it was because I was part hybrid and I'd probably need to learn to control it.
When I arrived home is was around 8 in the evening. Now I sat in the living room at the house with Leandra, Mitch and the rest of the crew. We talked and laughed.
"You should have seen Mitch, he went into Crazy boyfriend mode and went insane."
Jerome said with a laugh as he munched on a raw fish. I looked over to Mitch and he was smiling, his face a light pink. I laughed and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. Soon night was upon us and we all went to our room. I entered Mitch's room like always and pulled off my jacket, which was Mitch's but he wasn't get it back... I liked it a lot, and tossing it onto a chair. I feel onto the bed beside Mitch and snuggled up closer to him.
"Do you think he'll come back for us?"
Mitch said out of no where. By he I knew who he meant. I shrugged.
"Most likely, he really doesn't take no for an answer."
He sighed and pulled me close. He had that look on his face, that look that said he had something on his mind.
"What's wrong?"
He looked down at me.
I just stared at him and he chuckled.
"Apparently you don't take no for an answer either."
I nodded and laughed.
"I'm just afraid that I'll loose you. Can I ask you a question?"
I nodded.
"If you had a chance to go back to the real world, would you?"
I hadn't really thought of trying to go home.
"I don't know. Yeah it would be nice to see my family and other friends again but you wouldn't be there and I'd miss you and the other a lot."
He smiled.
"If we do ever get out of here I will find a way to find you."
I nodded and curled up close to him.
"Night Mitch."
{several hours later}
"Valerie, it's time to wake up now."
I opened my eyes and I was no longer in Mitch's room. I was in a strangle room or space.. Everywhere was a golden aura and images of the minecraft world. Standing before me was the creator, Notch. I stared at him in awe.
"Is this a dream?"
He shook his head.
"I am here to let you know that I have defeated Herobrine. It was  also me who gave the young man you know as Mitch the strength to break free of those bonds."
I stood there confused.
"Why didn't you just come in and save us your self."
He walked over to my side.
"I am not aloud to mess the other players unlike my brother. When he was spawned he was meant to be a challenge for the players, sorta like the Ender Dragon and the Wither, but he grew more and more powerful until he lost control and turned evil."
I nodded in understanding.
"So is he truly dead?'
He stared up a bit.
"He is in a way. I managed to weaken him enough to remove his powers from him and send him to a forgotten distance."
I sighed in relief.
"It's time for you to return to your world now."
I looked up at him.
"I will send you back to your home."
"And my friends?"
"They will be set to they're homes as well."
I looked down sadly.
"Is something wrong?"
"Actually, I'd like to ask a favor."
"And it is?"
"I'd like a way to keep in touch with everybody."
He tapped his finger on his chin.
"Hmmm....something can be arranged. I will contact you when you return home. Are you ready?"
"Ummm... Can I at least let everyone know what's about to happen so everyone doesn't freak out."
He smiled and clapped his hands. Some everyone was here, all looked confused and some looked kinda ready to fight, Aka Mitch.
"Valerie? Where are we?"
Leandra asked walking over to me.
"I don't exactly know but we're going home."
She smiled but then her smile faded.
"But how will we all keep in touch, life won't be the same if I don't see you guys everyday."
Leandra said looking back at the group.
"I have agreed with your friend here to find a way to keep you on touch with one another. I will contact everyone personally."
"Then I guess this means see you guys later..."
Leandra said. We all came in for a group hug and I gave Mitch one last kiss before we were one by one swooped away in a whisp. I was the last to go.
"Before I go can I ask you a question?"
Notch nodded.
"What will happen to Thanatos?"
"She's been taken care of."
He pointed to a picture. Thanatos sat with a boy with some long Black hair and had a smile across her face.
"She's found the company of that young man, Jin."
I nodded and told him I was ready, and the world went dark.

I coughed and sat up. I looked around an I was sitting in my computer chair in my room. My Computer was on the Minecraft home screen. I laughed and looked around my room. I almost forgot what home looked like. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It took me a minute to remember my pass word and I answered the phone call.
It was Leandra.
"Please tell me that it wasn't a crazy dream about us being pulled into minecraft because if it was I am going to scream."
I laughed.
"Trust me. It wasn't."
She laughed.
"Thank god! I was about to have a panic attack."
Suddenly my computer beeped. I was getting a Skype call.
"Hold on I'm getting a Skype call."
"Me too."
I answer the Skype call and everyone came up on screen.
"I'm glad to see you all returned home safely."
Notched voice said. On the screen I could see everyone.
"You asked for a way to stay in touch and I have found what you have asked for. In about a month, there will be a house built in Californina for all of you to go to live in. Everything will be paid for. Such as utilities. I hope this is enough and I'll see to it you are all given a key."
He left the call and we all sat there on silence.
"Well... I guess we'll see you guys in a month."
Leandra said. We all chatted to a bit until my phone buzzed. It was an alert telling me to get ready for school.
"Umm... Sorry to go guys but Leandra and I have school. We can chat later, ok?"
Everyone said for us to have a good day and Mitch told me that he loved me and I got ready for school.
{in class at school}
Leandra and I sat next to one another and talked to our friends. They asked where we had been. All we told them was that we'd gone camping with some cousins and we'd gotten stranded in the woods. If we'd told them we were stuck in a game they would have looked  at us like we were crazy.
"Attention class, we have a new student today!"
The teachers voice said loudly over the buzz of chatter. Looking up I almost had a heart attack. In the front of the class stood a girl but not just any girl, it was Thanatos.
"This is Charity and she moved here a few days ago and I hope you all treat her nicely."
I looked to Leandra and she looked back and we just started to laugh.
"Talk about Déjà Vu."
This my friends is where our story ends. I'm sorry if this isn't the ending you wanted but this is what you get. If you did enjoy this please make sure to got check out LeandraKing and Charity_Nicole2000 . And as always stay awesome and Baiii!!!!

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